Ending the war and trolling Ace

Luffy then activated his Conquerors Haki subconsciously knocking out the Marine fighters. The same sad scene of Ace dying to Akainu's fist played.It was then we revealed ourselves.Momo took Ace's body as I used Kamui to store them inside the dimension while using my UBW to summon Excalibur and unleashed its Noble Phantasm.

Akainu tried to escape but unfortunately for him,I had used my space quirk to lock him down. Excalibur then struct him,finishing him off.I then extracted the fruit from his body before it could disappear.

I then used some Sp to remove the weaknesses of the fruit and ave it to Momo inside my Kamui Dimension.She ate it while I was healing Ace with Avalon.After he regained consiousness,I sed my time quirk to close up the hole in his chest which was caused by Akainu.

I knocked him out before he realized what was happening.I then decided to have some fun and created a clone and transformed it to look like Zeus.

Thereafter Momo and I left the dimension,joining the fight.As we got out,we saw Blackbeard trying to show off his 'Invincibility' to the world.Before he knew what had happened,he was pierced by several unnamed Noble Phantasms from my Gate of Babylon.

I extracted the fruits from his body went back into my Kamui,leaving confused people behind,not knowing what had just happened.Momo came back with me and I left her to do her own thing while I used the system to extract the fruit powers and combined them together while destroying any weaknesses they bring.

With that,I know have the power of Darkness and Earthquakes!With that,I joined up with Momo to watch a pitiful Ace who just woke up.




Portgas D. Ace's Pov


The last thing I remembered was being killed by Akainu....That bastard!But where am I?Is this the afterlife?"*Clapping sounds"I turned my head to look at the source of the sound.It was an old man with white hair and a beard.He carried an aura of majesty and aloofness.

"You have died,mortal.Where you now stay is a place away from your home.Devoid of life."His powerful voice sounded out,scaring me a little as I was unprepared.This confirmed my suspicions.He was a God.

"What will happen to me?"I asked,not knowing what the future will hold for me."You shall be reincarnated back into your world"He replies with an amused face.When I heard that,I swear I could almost jump to the ninth heaven.

"But!It comes at a cost."He continued,bearing hot water to pour on my head."What will it take?"I asked,afraid the price was something dear to me."The cost of doing so,shall be the lives of your brother!"He bellowed.When I heard that I knew what my answer would be:"No!I will not sacrifice my brother!"

He did not seem surprised at my answer.Instead,he chuckled,"Of course.This was just a test.Don't worry,I'll return you back to your original body.Its already healed and your brother thinks your dead.He will be training for 2 years so go train for the same time so that you can catch up with him."

Then,out of nowhere,another clapping sound appeared."Yo Ace!Sorry to tell you but...." the guy who was talking deliberately dragged on."What?"I asked impatiently,not standing the other guy's shenanigans."You got Fooled!!!" 'God',or so I though,changed back into the guy appearance and *Poofed into smoke.

"Don't worry,Its a prank.I saved you.But i didn't tell any lie,You are in my personal dimension and you almost died.Go find your brother after 2 years or so." He claimed."Wai-"Before I said anything else,I heard a *Snap and light suddenly came at me,blinding me for a moment.

I then realized where I currently am.Well,not exactly but I do see a gravestone.When I saw it,I cried and kneel down towards it.The gravestone was for my Captain,Whitebeard.I then swore to get revenge for him.I used my powers and found Marco nearby,crying.I walked up to him,saying "Hey,got time to speak?"

He turned around immediately and saw that it was me.He then punched me,saying "How are you still alive?!" "I have no idea.Some weird fcked up Prankster God pranked me and revived me." I replied.