Fighting Madara (2)

As the shadow clone disappears,I hear shuriken flying towards me,infused with lightning chakra,making it far more deadly than it ever should be.I dodged it by a hair's breath before throwing Kunais with lightning chakra to block the shurikens.

Fire style:Great Flame Annihilation!As I turned to my back,a sea of fire is coming towards me.Withour hesitation,I used,Water Style:Unhindered Tsunami!A tsunami then appeared and bam,as the two collided,steam was forming from the tsunami evaporating.

As the smoke spreads,I activated my Rinnegan to allow me to see her.She had already activated her sharingan a long time ago.Out of nowhere,a shuriken flew towards me,this time infused with wind chakra to make it silent but deadly.

To stop the shenanigans i used Wind Style:Billowing Typhoons!I blew the steam away and heard a thud.It was Madara whom was blown away by my jutsu.She was coughing out blood by the unexpected attack.

"What the hell are you!?I can't copy your jutsus!"she said with anger and confusion.This had never happened before;a sharingan unable to copy jutsus that were not Kekkei Genkai."My jutsus are special,unlike yours which randomly create things without thinking of concepts."I responded.

"Its time to end this."I added,while summoning my Susanoo.It was the complete Susanoo,except it was coloured with an angelic white with gold plated armor and a crescent moon on top of its helmet.

She gasps as she tries to come back from the shock.While doing so,due to her love of her Imouto,she awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan.She then used her own Susanoo to try and fight me but I instantly defeated her with a slash of my sword.

I didn't kill her,but left her unconscious on the ground.Removing my Susanoo,I went to her and healed her.I then left her in her room with her Imouto.She will proof to be useful in the future.Before going,I left her a note to tease her about letting a man into her room before joining Momo in my Kamui dimension.