Gaining strength

With that experience,I learnt to buy all the Super Saiyan transformations.All the way to Super Saiyan Blue.According to Izza,Ultra Instinct can't be bought as it is more like a state of mine.I then trained using the super saiyan forms to test out the time duration I can stay in them and I surprisingly can hold onto them for a unlimited amount of time.

(Izza,is it something to do with my body or something?)[Its due to stamina obviously.You got the Endurance skill which makes your stamina unrelenting and its not as if you're fighting life or death battles.If you were,there was no way your stamina regeneration can keep up.During Life or Death battles,it would last for at least 10 minutes based on estimates.But it also depends on the strength of you and the opponent of course.]

Then,after training for a year or two more at King Kai's planet to get used to my strength in the super saiyan modes,we finally departed.Unfortunately,I can't give out bloodlines yet so the girls will not be able to do this.(Transform into super saiyan.)Apparently I need to do a prerequisite quest before gaining excess to the "Gift" function.

I then teleported to The God of Destruction,Beerus' planet.(Why isn't teleported a word?)I found Whis who was rather curious about my purpose in coming here."Hey Whis,can you train me?Please?"I begged Whis.I know he is very powerful due to the fact that he is one of the angels.Well,powerful may be a big understatement but you can get the point.

"No.I need to make sure Beerus doesn't destroy random things.Now go away please."He tells us nicely."What if I have good food?"I tempted Whis."Are you sure your food is very good?!"He asks,biting the bait.

"Yep!Here,I'll show you."I then cooked for Whis.Whis,like the other girls,felt euphoria upon taking a bite.His cloths didn't.....well....explode out or anything like in the anime but he did show a happy face.Anyway,he agreed to teach me and the girls to fight in exchange for food cooked by me.

I then transformed into Super Saiyan Blue and engaged in combat with Whis.He looked a little serious as it was unexpected for me,a mortal to suddenly become a God.Anyway,he did show some mercy by not fully trashing me but still ended up making me crash into the ground at mach 10.

For the girls,although Hashirama was strong,they were still mortals thus Whis didn't go too far with them and merely fought them to a stop.As I pant from exhaustion, Whis being the good teacher he is,informs me of my shortcomings:1)I am inexperienced. 2)My hand to hand combat is not on par with my strength.