Withstanding the Tribulation

After that,I teleported back to earth to taste some of the food.While nice,Momo and Hashirama still prefer my cooking.Which is to be expected as none of the street food are cooked by professional chefs.

(Izza,is there a pill to increase the rank of my body?So that I can get up to Transcendent realm?)[Yes.The Holy Radiant Dragon Pill.Its the upgraded version of the Dragon Body Enhancement pill.It'll cost you 200million points which will leave you at 1.4billion points left.]

(Buy It and use it on me!)[Alright.But warning,it may hurt a lot due to you forcefully skipping one realm of power.Oh and,you may or may not have to survive the tribulation Lightning.](Wait What!Tribulation Lightning?Izza,is there any thing that can nagate the lightning?)[No.it is Heavenly Law itself.You cannot negate it.Though you can get stronger from surviving it.]

(*Tsk!Fine,Beam me up,Izza!)I prepared myself for the immense pain I was going to feel.A golden pill then appeared out of nowhere and it went into my mouth.I swallowed it and felt a cool sensation slide down my throat.Yet,when it entered my stomach,it burned.

It burned like purgatory fire from the deepest pits of hell,yet I couldn't even sweat.While my internal body felt as if it was in hell,my outer body was subjected to absolute zero.I felt that if i were to move a even a single inch,I would die.

As if not enough,my body started to feel pain from the bones and tendons of my body.My bones felt like it was being crushed,burned into ashes then frozen back together to form a new bone.My tendons felt as if it was being shredded,then minced up,boiled in a pot of boiling hot water,then quenched in a deep ocean in Antarctica.

During that pain,I was somehow able to stay awake.*Boom! I hear lightning crackling from the sky.I knew it.Just as I felt more pain from the pill,the Tribulation Lightning had to come.It just had to come at this moment!

Argh,Why,Why must God forsake me!?For what have i done to offend said God? I was wondering which God was in charge of this Tribulation.I felt like I've offended it as it came at this very moment where I was basically defenseless.

I then somehow with the power of willpower,lifted up my arms and used Armament Haki.As the lightning came booming towards me,just as it reached me,I used a full powered Shinra Tensei.The lightning was repelled for a moment before it broke through and finally struck me squarely on the chest.

Surprisingly,it only tickled me.(The Hell!?Was it supposed to be like this?)[I have no idea,Records say that 89.5% of people die during this tribulation.Maybe because of something special it powered down?]Izza,with a puzzled tone,replied.