Fighting Vegeta

As the tournament went on,the fights started to gain intensity as the fighters begun to be more stronger.Momo and Hashirama were at the top at their divisions while right now,me and Vegita are going to fight to decide the top.

As I went up to the stage,I whispered to his ears,"You know,thinking that you are now stronger than Goku is nothing but a big joke.Thinking getting 'that' power would be enough.That was your mistake"

His eyes opened at my statement.It was then the referee started the match.I then told him to give it his best shot and use that power he got.He then went super saiyan 2 with the Majin mark activating.He then flew at me,starting our engagement.

He tried to hit me,yet never to actually hit me,only hitting my after images as I was dodging every hit.As he got more and more impatient,he started to show more openings for me to hit.I then finally countered with a right hook as he was leaning in to punch my face.

With my hit sinking into his body,he spat out some saliva as he started to fly backwards from the power of my hit.He stopped himself as his body nearly reached the out-of-bounds area.He was panting due to the power in my hit.

Although I said I'll restrain myself,I merely restrained myself to twice of Goku's current power level at super saiyan 3.Which meant that Vegeta won't be able to win as he lost agains Goku in super saiyan 3 in the future.But now,I shall get serious and start to attack.

As he flew to me,powering up a little,I flew behind him.Before he could turn his head,I smack him down into the ground.I then fired Ki blasts at him.As the ground started to break,he flew out with injuries all over his body.

He then channel his Ki to the maximum and started to use Solar Flare.He fired it towards me.I then responds with a Kamehameha to him.It instantly broke through his Solar Flare and hits him,knocking him out of the stage instantly while knocking him out cold.

As the referee declares me the winner,the Z Fighters came down and took a look at Vegeta.I went up to them and explained the mark on Vegeta's forehead and warned them that a powerful beast called Majin Buu will arrive on Earth and start a massacre.

I warned them to train for its arrival.I then told Goku that I'll look forward to our fight later on in the tournament.With that,I left to go beside Momo and Hashirama.I then walked with them back to the hotel to rest.