Watching a show with Popcorn.

After I got the ability,I tested out the ability and it was well,Op af as it can now affect living things.I used it to imagine I have 12 wings in sets of 6 and turned it to reality.The results?Bam!12 golden wings sprouted out from my clothing and I was able to fly with them.When I canceled it,there were no signs of it on my clothing.

It was then I felt something weird happening.A space-time ripple if you may call it so.I then saw something come out from it.It looked like Goku.It was at this moment I realize that we are now going to the Future Trunks Arc.

Well,I'm going to seat this one out as I'll let Goku and Vegeta get the Zenkai boost.Oh and,when Beerus and Goku were fighting,I found Whis and made some Sushi for him to try.We then chatted with each other and caught up with each other.

Apparently,they nearly ate finish all of the food somehow.I asked how and he claimed that Beerus became a glutton and ate 10 times a day due to my food.He only got back to normal when he realized that there was little food left but by then it was far too late.

I then transported with Whis to Beerus' planet and used the multi shadow clones jutsu and started cooking.After what seemed like a century of cooking,I released my clones and felt the fatigue they had.I then slumped down,Whis catching me and letting me rest on a sofa they had.After an hour of rest,Whis thanked me for the food and I asked him if he could transmit the method for Kai kai.

He obliged and transmitted the method for doing so to me and warned me that unless my girls have the power of Gods,it is recommended that I do not teach them that as the strain can kill them.I took that advice to heart and didn't teach them the skill.With that,I thanked him and returned to Earth to see a defeated Goku and Beerus.

I then called out to Beerus and he was shocked at seeing me.He asked me what I was doing here and I told him that I was resting here for a while.I then informed him that the food have been restocked.His eyes went wide and he immediately called for Whis.They went back to their planet quickly.

The other fighters looked at me silly;I explained my association with them.They nearly fell down due to surprise of my power as I didn't tell them before.Anyway,lets go back to the future,shall we?While thinking about this,Goku Black finally disappears due to the World Laws as he had forcefully came here from a different timeline.

I then decided to follow them to the future timeline belonging to that Trunks secretly.I wanted to watch them fight.I grabbed a box of salted caramel popcorn and prepared a seat and started watching their fight.

It was amusing how tough the fight was.In the anime and manga it was amazing and here,it was too.However,in my eyes,they merely went *Pew *Pew *Pew and *Boom *Boom *Boom then *Zing!(Sword drawing sound as Zamasu made an energy sword blade thing).Then as Goku and Vegeta lose,They fuse together to form Vegeto.Then *Boom *Boom they fought and as it looked like they were going to win,the fusion cancels and Bam!They fell down and lost.

Then Goku calls Zeno and Bam!Whole universe deleted.How am I still here?Easy,I was sitting in a spacial pocket belonging to the present timeline watching the whole damn thing go down.Goku returns back,brings Zeno back to the other Zeno,blah blah blah,The End.

Anyway,a few more years pass and Goku and Vegeta still challenges me to a fight.In my base form right now,the two of them in super saiyan blue working together can last for 10 minutes.I then called Whis over and asked him if he could tor-I mean,train them in exchange for a new type of food.He accepted immediately with a Yam-flavored Ice Cream on one hand while taking away Goku and Vegeta.

Although they were already training under him,I merely asked him to go a little tini tiny bit more serious.The result?A set of beaten up Goku and Vegeta.They were complaining but after a week of the new training,their Zenkai boost allowed them to slowly but surely catch up.I do hope Goku can see a trace of Ultra Instinct while training with a slightly more serious Whis now.

While doing so,I started to prepare for my breakthrough to World realm combat power.Izza had warned me to not be careless although my tribulation previously was affected by some unknown reasons.

I then trained in a manual that I bought from the system called:"Saitama's training techniques"When I read through the manual,I started to realize why he was so op.Although he didn't realize it in the manga and anime,his training method was godly.It can train one up to Divine level!

No wonder he always one shots something.Boros only survived due to his strength and regeneration.Without any of these,he would have died instantly. I informed the Z fighters and Whis of my leave and told them I was going to train further.