Entering Tōtsuki Culinary Academy

Anyway,I reviewed the plan I have and decided to consult my wives on what they would like to do.They asked me if there was any organisations that is considered powerful here.

I then told them about Tōtsuki Culinary Academy.I then told them what would happen in the future and the main plot lines.I informed them about why the Academy became corrupted and the results in the future.

I also told them that I may want to improve on my cooking which made their eyes sparkle and they gave me a thumbs up and told me to do so.

Anyway they told me they wanted to enroll too.I then told them we don't have much time so we have to practice until the enrollment time comes.We then went inside my Kamui dimension where I decreased the timeflow so that a year inside would be a few days outside.

This would allow us to practice more and learn more all while saving time so that we can tour more outside.

Anyway,we trained for 2 years straight before coming out.

After training for 2 years,the girls have improved their cooking skills greatly and could be said to have vast amount of knowledge about cooking and everything related to it.

Of course,I too,have improved on my theoretical knowledge and application of such in my cooking.Although I can't put emotion behind my cooking which makes it inferior to Saiba Joichiro's cooking,it still tastes amazing.

Now,due to the different timeflow,there is still 5 days left before the enrolment exam.I told them who our examiner was going to be and added how hard she is to please.

They understood but didn't lose hope as they were confident in their skills.

After 5 days of relaxation and touring,we went to the exam venue.

We attracted stares due to our unique clothing and our beauty and charm.

Although most people were wearing cooking cloths with aprons,we were wearing casual clothing.

I was holding on to a briefcase which contains our knifes.The knifes were brought from the system which guaranteed the quality,sharpness and durability of it.

They were about 1500 per knife due to some modifications made to them which made them better and due to the materials that made them.

Anyway,as the examiner walked into the room,gasps of despair and hopelessness sounded out.

"How can we pass when She's the examiner?!"some of the examinees cried out in indignation as they felt that they could pass the standard if not for her being the examiner.

Yep,the examiner was Nakiri Erina,more known as God's tongue."Those that do not have the courage to cook,leave!"She shouted.

As soon as she did so,basically everyone scampered away from the venue,with exception to me,Momo,Hashirama and Soma.

As Erina turns away,she said something about how this was expected and started to leave the premise.

"Hey,while you're important and all,we are still here and wish to take the examination!"I shouted out,stopping her in her tracks.(Plays Shokugeki no soma ost-The heat of confrontation. Really nice ost!)

She turns back and glares at me."Hmph,I guess I can try the food you guys can make."she says.

Me and the rest got serious and started to prepare our dishes.While Yukihira was preparing the same dish he made in the anime,I was making another type of dish.

In the anime,Erina wanted an egg dish but probably due to us,she didn't put any restrictions or such here.That was why we had the luxury of cooking whatever we wanted using the ingredients here which were top notch and plentiful.

I made a Venison Steak.The steak was done in about 40 minutes.I tried to create the dish with my best efforts and tried to infuse some feelings inside to hopefully boost the taste of the dish.

Momo made a simple Skinny pepper, tomato & ham omelette dish whilst Hashirama made Toasted quinoa, lentil and poached salmon salad.After we were done,we realized that the room was full of delicious and appetizing aroma due to our cooking and dishes.

Yukihira looked at us in amazement due to our craftsmanship.We then gave the dish to Erina to taste test.She had already eaten Yukihira's Transformed seasoned rice dish.Although she did fail him,he still stayed due to his intrigue in our dishes.She was wondering how our dishes would taste due to her having just tried Yukihira's rice.

With that said,the three of us served her at the same time.She looked and analysed our dishes for a bit before cutting a portion out of my steak and putting it into her mouth.

She then tasted it,her face showing how it had tasted.Her face was one with euphoria as the taste was miraculous for her to say the least.However,she felt like she had tasted this type of cooking before once but could not put a finger on it.

Then she took a piece out of the omelet and ate it.The springy texture of the omelet amazed her as she was not expecting this type of quality from it.This was because it was hard to make the omelet as springy as Momo had done it.

She then ate some of the Toasted quinoa, lentil and poached salmon salad.As she tasted it,she could feel how each of the ingredient of the cooking had amplified the taste of the food.

The quinoa with salmon was amazing for her and the salad would allow her to reduce the overwhelming tastes that the dish would have.

Overall,after tasting our dishes,she was amazed by the quality of our dishes and she kept our names in her mind.She did feel that Hashirama's name was a little weird for a girl's name though she didn't question it as she wanted to give her some privacy.

She gave us a passing grade and told us that the dishes were superb.With that,she walked off.Just as we were going to go off,Yukihira Soma asked if he could try our dishes in which we replied with a yes.As he tasted the dishes,he was amazed by the taste and wondered how we were able to make such food.

He did feel that our cooking style was very similar to his father and he wanted to ask but by then,we already left the venue.

This in turn fueled his determination to join this academy as he realized why his father told him to join this academy.

With that,the day ended on a hopeful note.I got admitted into Tōtsuki and stuff.Though,I'm going to buy another cooking style and experience from the system due to me just wanting to avoid questions about my cooking style as Soma and Erina may recognize it.