
In the end,Miko asked for a day to think and to take a rest from our intense fighting.Where were the girls?Sightseeing in the country.

Anyways,I called them back and gathered in my room to inform them what I was doing and stuff and about the deal.

Anyway,afterwards we went to sleep and rested.The day ended on that good note and with that,started another day.As the sunshine peek through the curtain looking at us,I awoke.

I stood up and went to the bathroom and took a rather quiet and relaxing bath.I felt like I could fall asleep here even if the world outside was to burn in hell.Oops!Time to get out else I'll get complains from the ladies.

Speaking of which,they've already awoken and greeted me with hugs.(One of these days...I'll do things with them..)I though.

Welp,with that,I went to look for Miko.I knocked on her room's door and she told me to wait a moment.I could hear her rushing about in the room.

*Ka cha! The door was unlocked.I saw a neat room with a nice Sakura like aroma.She was wearing a Kimono that you can see shrine maidens wear in Japan(You should get what I mean).

She gave me a smile and I walked in,taking in the relaxing ambiance the room contains and the breathtaking view it has.

Like seriously,the place we were staying at was situated inside of a mountain which gave us breathtaking views from our room too.

The view on her room contained a view of another mountain opposite ours and within it one can see a majestic waterfall;cascading down the mountain with such tranquility and grace.

With all that relaxation I wondered how'd she even get work down.Though it does help reduce stres by many folds.

Anyway,time to talk about the deal.She gestured me to seat on a chair opposite of her's and said,"About the deal yesterday,I accept it.Though,allow me to ask why you'd ask about seeing Horou and how'd you even knew about her."

She asked the obvious yet good questions."I wanted to see her because I wanted my girls to enjoy time playing with her.As for how I know,can't I have some secrets?"I teased her curiosity.

She gave a cute pout at the end of my sentence before saying "Alright,but wheres the cookies?".She had a glint in her eyes as she asked about the cookies.

"Well,its here."As I said that,the jar of chocolate chip cookies appeared from within the void and onto my hands.I then passed her the cookies and got some tea to quench our thirst.

I called the girls to come here when they were done doing their things in the bathroom and proceeded to talk with Miko about miscellaneous stuff.

Before we knew it,a hour have passed and as I was wondering what were the girls doing,they entered the room.

They saw what we were doing and gave me a questioning look which I dismissed with a shake of my head.Anyway,they sat beside me before asking what we were going to do.

I gave Miko a nod and she proceeded to call Horou from withing her body.Anyway,Horou then said,"Mortal,what do you wish to do with me?"

I then turned to my girls and told them,"Have fun!"Before bailing out of the room,leaving a group of flabbergasted Horou and girls.

I took Miko out with me as I still had things I wanted to discuss with her.She gave me a questioning look as if asking me why'd I did it that way.

I gave her a smile before going to my room.She entered behind me and sat opposite to me.With that,we started conversing about things.