A new character.

As we booted up Yggdrasil,we had a popup screen for our character customization. Izza had somehow hacked the game system to allow only us to gain access to a special race that was called,'Irregularities'.

It was a human race with no racial levels but were still as op as any heteromorph races would be.It had all the benefits of the races without any real weakness,unless you count not being able to add racial levels into it.

Anyway,all we really had to do was to customize our appearance and select the 'Irregularities' class before being able to start the game.Anyway,we typed in our real names for our game characters (Don't do this as this could be dangerous in real life.) and voila!Our characters were done.

We tried to recreate our original appearances which was surprisingly easier than expected.WIth that said,we met in the starting town and started our journey together.We added each other on our friends list and created a party for us.

Anyway,when my character was created,I could feel that the current strength I have now is the same in real life.Looks like Izza got it correct.Anyway,I asked the girls about their stats and yep,they were as strong as they were in real life.

Anyway,this wasn't mentioned in the novels/anime which confused me but then again,most of Yggdrasil was shrouded in mystery which I guess,helps the purpose of the game.

Anyway,we got our beginning classes.I got the Genius Samurai class as a starting class as I wanted to focus on speed and technique while Momo got a apprentice mage class to start out.Hashirama got the Genius Shinobi class.

The genius class was related to the amount of talent one have in the job class.That doesn't mean that if you didn't have a 'genius' in your job class you should switch.This was just basically for show as the longer time goes on,you will eventually catch up to the person,even if they had the 'genius' in their job class.

Rindo had a marksmen class while Erina had the same class as Momo,apprentice mage.It seems that although Izza could give me administrative powers,it was still impossible to cheat the system and level us up to level 100 immediately which made me wonder why it was like so.

However,I didn't really mind it as,what was the fun of games if you repeatedly cheated in them?The satisfaction of achieving something via cheats when compared to regular gameplay would be drastically different too!