Plans for A Guild

I woke up the very next day and stretched as I stood up from the bed.Beside me was Momo.She was still sleeping peacefully.Honestly,she is quite mesmerizing even whilst asleep.

I feel like I should put on a scary mask and wake her up,just to prank her.Unfortunately,she awoke before I could do any shenanigans and greeted me.

I told her about what we were going to do today and went to the bathroom in my room to wash up.I walked out of the bathroom after a hour of soaking in the warm water.

Although I realize spending 1 hour in the bathroom in not really good,you can't blame me.After all,not only is the god damn bathtub super big,the warm water really hits the spot for me.It was neither too cold nor was it too hot.It was just perfect for me.

Anyway,after taking the bath,I told the other girls that I'll be creating a guild called:Void Travelers.It'll be a guild composed of just us and as for the main base,we'll get it after we get strong enough.I would be strong enough to take it myself,but I wanted to see the girls in action myself.

This would also act as a test for them as I can't have them rely on me everything we have to go into action.This would also allow Erina and Rindo to get battle experience and if there are any guild battles,they would have a chance to fight against real people,not just computers.

This would help them be more adaptable to fighting,as there would be a multitude of fighting styles and due to there being some random style that are either difficult for them to match up.

With that,we spent the day resting and planning out what we'll do in game.We discussed about the minimum level they will have to at least be in order for them to join the fight:Level 60.Anyway,the guild base would be the best in Midgard,having the highest level for Npc creation.

Not only that,with the power of cash items and my administrative powers,we would make this base be the best in all the worlds.After the base gets transported into the 'new world',I'll store the bases and everyone inside my Kamui dimension so that I can have a portable base,an army and more importantly,have more people to interact with.