Becoming a God and Creating A Guild!

I had a hint of enlightenment after observing his sword.True,you don't need to make an item appealing if it serves its purpose properly.Adding decorations may even hinder the item's original use.

"It seems that I'll have to thank you for letting me improve my powers."I said to the middle-aged man."No problem.My name is Miyamoto Musashi,the current Sword God.Are you ready?!"The old man revealed his name which honestly,didn't surprise me for some reason.

Anyway,instead of answering him with words,I took up a stance to signal that I was ready to fight.He took up his stance and after a moment of silent observation,I engaged him in a sword fight.The Katana I was using was also of Divine Rank,meaning that this fight was going to be pure skill and technique.

Both of us were decked out in Divine grade items,there was no handicap at all."Use your second blade,unless you plan on mocking me."I state calmly,while clashing my blade against his."Have it your way!"He jumps backwards as he draws his second sword.

This was advantageous for me as well,if he didn't draw his second sword,it would be harder for me to stop a hidden attack from it.Now that he had drawn out his second sword,it was easier for me to defend against his strikes.

Not only that,as he was using a hand for each sword,the strength behind the first sword was cut in half,effectively helping me.This advantage was offset by the fact that he had a second sword.Anyway,we engaged once more with each other and started to fight with each other.

'Thousand Deaths within A Single Death!'I slashed my sword towards him as I used my skill.'Twin Barricades!'He blocks it with his two swords.I then kicked him in the abdomen which knocked him backwards and unleashed my 'Dimension Render!' at him.

He was struck by it and was in critical health."Good move!Unfortunately for you,it won't be enough to kill me!"As he says that,he runs towards me with his swords in hand,slashing towards me.

'World Breaker!'I blocked one of his sword,only to have his other sword connect with my chest.It was a critical hit and dealt almost half my health!I then lunged towards him,using 'Solar Flare'.As his sword was stuck on my chest,my attack managed to pierce his heart,ending his life.

"It seems that you prevailed.I,Miyamoto Musashi,am honored to have fought you!"With that,his body disappears,leaving behind his two swords.As I grabbed the swords,they fused together,forming a new sword named:"Miyamoto Musashi's Eternal Glory."

It was still a Divine weapon,except its effects were close to a World Item.I replaced my Katana with it.The sword changed into a Katana,and was a perfect fit with its sizes being ideal.

[Congratulations to Karma!As he had defeated the previous Sword God,he is now the Sword God!]Great,looks like I can't hide the fact that I'm now a Sword God.Now my popularity will soar up,making it harder for me to play normally.

*Sigh,can't a man just play normally without any system giving away his strength?I now have basically the whole player base's attention,thanks Devs.

I then logged out of the game to find the girls eating dinner.It seems like I had missed lunch because of the fight with Miyamoto Musashi.Anyway,I ate finish the dinner and went to sleep for the next day,forgetting to ask about their progress in levels.

As I got up the next day,I joined my girls for breakfast which were:"Bacon and Omelettes".Feeling slightly full I went out for a walk.After 30 minutes of walking I went back home and took a relaxing shower before going back online.

Anyway,I added 5 levels into my 'Sword God' class,maxing it out and gaining overpowered skills and passives.With the 'Sword God' class,the job tree for swordsman have been completed,meaning I have no more advancements for my class.I then started to think about which class I should get for my spare levels.An idea struck me.Blacksmithing!

As I had materials,as a way to practice my precision and creation powers,I went to the town of Dwarvin to obtain a special class.The class itself wasn't special,it being a blacksmith.However,in Dwarvin,you could gain a secret job advancement called 'Weapons Craftsman'.

To gain that class,you must first have the 'Blacksmith' and 'Magical Blacksmith' class.Both of these classes are obtainable from Dwarvin which makes things much more simpler.

While in Dwarvin,I've gotten multiple invites to guilds which were a waste of time.Because of that,I decided to personally create the guild earlier than expected.