Brotherly Visit.

When he returned to his fief, he was informed by Katarina that a messenger was waiting for him. As Galahad entered his throne room and sat on his simple throne.

He thought I need to get a steward. How would I ever look dignified if I am bellowing to the audience seekers for them to come in? He sighed and stopped this wagon of thought. Either way, that is a matter for another time.

Galahad then bellowed with a hefty voice.

"You may enter my hall messenger."

A thin young fellow walking in a brisk pace went inside he gave a quick bow and stood straight up before saying.

"Your lordship I have come to deliver a message from the Gentleman Nikolas von Highkeep."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Good, now please deliver me his message."

The messenger nodded walked in front of Galahad and handed him a letter. Galahad gestured him to leave. The messenger bowed and exited the keep. After the messenger had left. Galahad broke open the seal and started reading.

"To my younger brother. I am rather pleased to see the progress you have been making on improving our family's ancestral holding. You have done well. I shall visit you in about a week's time. Bringing with me a couple capable subordinates for your realm. I am also planning to start building a tower northeast of your territory about a kilometer away from the trading post you are currently planning to build. Since I don't technically have a noble title and at some point, I am going to die. I would prefer if the land deed for the territory was under your direct control. With the hope that it will be inherited by future generations. Since the cost for building the towers is rather large, I will provide you the money for the deed at a later date, cheers."

Galahad looked at the letter and sighed heavily while thinking. Why is it so damn expensive to run my fief, aren't fiefs supposed to generate money not eat them? After a while longer brooding about his financial situation. He decided to go outside and take a long walk around his fief before returning to have his lunch. As he was taking a stroll he was greeted by his subjects at every corner. Soon he reached the center where a slowly developing commercial district was taking center stage. He was hit by the realization of the sheer amount of change that has befallen his smallholding. Where there was once only an old wooden keep now stood a semi-complete and rather intimidating looking stone keep, The new palisade wall is both sturdier and less fire-prone than the last one, The houses are more numerous and even the guard is better trained and equipped than before. Feeling rather thirsty he went inside the new Copper Inn. Inside Ludwig and, three more men were playing cards.

Before Galahad did anything Ludwig slammed his fist on the table and bellowed

"Fooking Fold. I can't believe my luck this month first I haven't found a single deer to hunt. Scratch that not a single hunter has found any prey. Not even one and now I fooking lose on cards."

A young man dressed in an attire typical for a peasant smiled and said.

"You know what they say whoever loses in cards wins in love"

He then winked at Ludwig and continued.

"I personally I am rather young for love so winning in cards is good enough. I have a Royal line pay up boys"

The rest of the men grumbled but in the end, the bronze coins changed hands. The young farmer then spotted Galahad and said.

"Good evening Sire. Would you care for a game of cards? I promise to be gentle."

Galahad smiled and said.

"Well, I have a bunch of rather costly future projects in my plate right now and as such, I can't spend any money. But I spotted that Xyoria blessed you with great luck. It would only be proper for you to order everyone a round. After all, the goddess of luck preaches sharing her favor with the people around you."

The youngster's eyes lost all luster and his shoulders slumped. He sighed and then said defeatedly.

"Innkeeper a round for everyone it is on me."

Ludwig then smiled and said.

"Sire I was planning to talk to you about the disappearance of all major prey. It happened gradually over the last three months. We originally attributed it to the winter. But now it is spring and we should at least have found some game. Even our best hunter an elfin hasn't managed to find anything of note."

Galahad raised his eyebrow and asked.

"If that is the case. Do you have any ideas ascertaining to the reason for their disappearance?"

Ludwig shrugged and responded.

"It hasn't happened before but perhaps it has something to do with the goblins? But then again we haven't found any signs of them either."

Galahad sighed and said.

"Alright if you find anything new, inform me about it. Now I have a different question do you know anything about the river north of my territory."

Ludwig thought for a while and then responded.

"You must mean river Ptomar. It is about a kilometer away from the start of the Tolos forest. Eh, it is a rather large river aaa about a couple hundred meters wide give or take a few. What else Em at autumn we have a large salmon migration and we the hunters tend to grab some if we can. It freezes on the winter and looks deep we haven't found any swallows nearby either way."

Galahad nodded and then asked.

"Alright thanks, What is forest Tolos and are there any major Hills nearby?"

Ludwig scratched his chin in thought and then said.

"I can't remember anything major. But as for Tolos, it is just how we named the nearby forest."

Galahad nodded he then grabbed the free tankard of Ale and downed it in in one gulp. Before returning to the keep to have lunch with his wife. The rest of the week went by peacefully nothing major really happened. Galahad spent his time reading the small number of books he had amassed he had already gone through the ones he bought and he was currently reading through the books his ancestor left for him. He was currently reading the book "Diarchy a System in Decline".

He had his concentration broken when Boris's voice echoed.

"Sire your Brother has arrived."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Alright then go inform the Priests and George to come over.

Boris nodded and sprinted off. Galahad went over to get his wife to follow him before exiting the keep George joined in the way. As Galahad reached the front gate both Markos and Martin were already waiting there.

Nikolas nodded and said when seeing his brother.

"Greetings Brother. I first and foremost need to give you my condolences for the loss of men and your limb and my congratulations for getting married and rebuilding the fief greater than ever. I have come bearing gifts. First and foremost this a ring for your wife and as for you my gift is my two trusted subordinates"

He then gave the ring to Katarina and then returned to his previous position. Before gestured towards his right. Where a well dressed short young brown-haired man was standing. However, his most distinguishing characteristic was the sheer amount of ink all over his clothes, fingers, and face.

"This is Karlos Sofos he is a capable subordinate and great friend of mine. He is not much for talking but he could serve as a great steward and advisor on civic matters. But he is a bit idealistic so take his advice with a hint of caution."

Karlos gave a quick bow and said.

"I am in your command Sire."

Galahad nodded and looked back towards Nikolas.

Nicolas then gestured towards his left. Where a well-dressed, black-haired, middle-aged and rather charming man was standing.

"This is Mister Theodore Koris he acted more as my diplomat and manager of internal conflicts."

Theodore bowed deeply and said with a deep mellow voice.

"Greetings Sire I am in your command"

Galahad nodded towards Theodore and then looked at his brother before saying.

"That is good and all but why are you are entrusting me with your subordinates don't you need them."

Nikolas shrugged and said.

"I am going to start building my tower and after that doing a lot of research. It is a rather solitary task. As such I don't need any assistance. At least not any those two could provide. They will be more useful to you anyway"

Galahad nodded and then said

"Now let me introduce to the rest of the people here."

He then pointed to the two priests before continuing.

"The fellow attempting to look dignified is Markos you probably already know him. As for the red-faced fellow, he is Ethan the priest of the new temple of Ploutia."

Nikolas nodded and responded.

"Greetings Markos long time no see and well met Ethan."

Ethan responded.

"Well met Mister Nikolas"

Markos then added.

"Greetings Sire."

Nikolas smiled and said.

"Markos you are well aware that your Sire is Galahad, not me."

While Marko's face was contorting Galahad continued.

"This is George his an Earth Elementalist and This is Martin my Militia Captain's lietenant"

Nikolas nodded and said.

"Well met both of you."

George responded with interest.

"Well met Mister."

Martin gave a quick bow and said with respect.

"Well met Mister."

Nikolas nodded and then asked George.

"So what tier of earth elementalist are you?"

George smiled and said proudly.

"It is good to see a man educated to the ways of the arcane. I am tier a tier four earth elementalist"

Nikolas simply responded.

"I see, that is good. If you ever need help with advancing. Just ask me."

George looked curiously and asked.

"Mister Nikolas what tier are you?"

Nikolas simply responded.

"I have already broken through tier seven of fire magic and I am half finished establishing my bridge."

George gasped and added.

"But But but you are so young. This is already in the high echelons of the kingdom's magic. Why are you moving into the wilderness?"

Nikolas then smiled and simply responded.

"While my growth rate is impressive for our standards. It is nothing compared to the elementalists of the proper old world."

George visibly became depressed for a second before cheering back up and saying.

"That may be true. But right now you are one of the most powerful elementalists. Your help is more than greatly appreciated in helping me advance."

Nikolas nodded and then added.

"Good I am sure I will eventually need a couple apprentices. Speaking of which Brother do you have any herbs stored or did you sell most of them."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I do sell most of them to Emaria. We can go over there and check if she has any of the herbs you need to buy."

Nikolas nodded and responded.

"That would be for the best. Finding herbs is such an arduous task and those I require are rather rare and expensive. I can't believe she would have the heart to use them if she has any. Either way, this is a matter for another time. Anyone else I need to meet."

Galahad quickly responded.

"My captain of the Guards Boris he is from Karellia he is currently with the troops. Em and Ludwig but I am sure he is out hunting and scouting."

Nikolas nodded and added.

"That is good to know. Ludwig is a good man. When I was a child he tried to teach me how to use a bow. To say the very least, I was completely terrible at it."

Galahad then suggested.

"Perhaps you can meet him later?"

Nikolas nodded and said.

"Perhaps. Either way, let's go over to the Herbalists hut."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I will lead the way."

After the brothers and Katarina left the rest of the men broke up each going away to attend to their duties. When the men reached the store they were greeted by a young boy not older than eleven years of age.

When the boy spotted Galahad he gave a deep bow and said.

"Sire to what we have the honor. To have you visit Miss Emaria's Humble store. Perhaps an ailment that needs curing? Or you are in need of a special potion to help with something?"

Galahad smiled and pointed to his leg. Before saying.

"Except if you have a potion to regrow limbs. I don't think so. We are here to ask for some herbs from Miss Emaria. Can you go over and fetch her?"

The boy's smile froze on his face and said quivering.

"Missss Emaria doesn't liiike to get disturbed when she researching new potions."

Galahad sighed and asked.

"When will she come out?"

The boy smiled bitterly.

"I don't know. She has been in there for the past week and a half. She hasn't come out to even sleep or have food. I bring food to her three times a day and I just leave it on the top of the win"

*CRAXX* A mad, loud female laugh filled the air. After a solid minute of the weird laugh, the door separating the store from the workshop was kicked wide open. Emaria then rushed out her eyes shining and her hair being a giant mess of burned ends and knots while her clothes were a mix of dirty, smoky and wrinkled. She then proceeded to grab the poor boy and struggle-hug him in joy while bellowing.


The boy tried to say.

"My name isn't Jimmy. It is "

The maddened Emaria put her finger over his mouth and hushed him.

"Stop being silly Jimmy. Today we became filthy rich."

At that point, Galahad coughed loudly.

Emaria looked towards the visitors in shock. Before madly trying to make her self semi-presentable before giving a quick bow.

"My liege I didn't expect you to come over. Is there an issue, an ailment perhaps?"

Galahad smiled and responded.

"Except if your new discovery can generate me a new leg I don't think I have any issues. But I am curious about what exactly you invented."

The woman nodded heavily and said.

"I created a potion that aids the healing of wounds."

Galahad was simply shocked, He then asked.

"What do you mean by helping to heal the wounds and how does it work?"

The Emeria then took out a small knife and slightly cut her hand just enough for blood to appear. She then poured a red liquid over the wound. When the blood came in contact with the liquid it almost instantaneously scabbed. Emeria then added.

"While the wound, especially in the case of deep wounds, isn't fully healed. The potion will rapidly create a scab over the wound aiding the healing progress and stopping infections and blood loss."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Oh, it is not as magical as I thought it will be. But I have a question how expensive is it to create such a potion?"

Emeria thought for a second before saying.

"The ingredients cost about one whole gold coin and together with my other costs it puts the price for each at one whole gold coin and seventy-five whole silver coins"

Nikolas the intervened and said.

"That is good and all but I would like to ask if you have any red Koliandr, blue Aspir or some wild Gorvon."

Emeria smiled and said.

"Well, I have never heard of blue Aspir or wild Gorvon. But I used plenty of red Koliandr to make this potion ergo the red color. Ten grams of the solution for this potion is red Koliandr. I mean before I discovered its decent healing properties. It was a rather useless plant you know. I bought a lot of them from the hunters but I did just run out. You know I used a lot to get this potion right at least a kilo in just trial and error alone."

At the uttering of those words, Nikolas fainted.