An Easy Battle.

The orders where given and soon a flurry of action overtook Highkeep. For the survivors, it was reminiscent of the time when the Goblins attacked. But yet different, the danger wasn't that close, they had an early warning, the militia was much better armed, and they were ready to fight. While this was happening Galahad was holding a meeting with his subordinates.

When all of his subordinates arrived Galahad looked at Ludwig and said calmly.

"I want a clear and concise description of the Borean Lion. While I have a general idea, I would like more information. "

Ludwig nodded and responded.

"The Borean Lion is well a lion. They are slightly larger than there more temperate counterparts. Most prides have only one male lion per ten females. With the size of that group, they should have five or six. Normally the size of a Borean Lion pride is thirty, in this case, we have what we call a union between two prides. Which while rare it happens when the Alpha or King which is a term that refers to the dominant male lion, beats another King probably killing him. He then keeps the two prides united until one of his sons can take over half of the pack and then they break off back into two separate prides. Outside of Alphas and Heirs, lions don't really have rankings in the same as wolfs but there are cases where lone Male lions might join the herd as omegas without breeding rights. Either way, the attack on Heria was probably led by male lions as humans are not generally seen as prey. But with their easy victory, I am imagining that the new main attack force will be the females."

Ludwig the paused and added.

"In regard to your plan. I am sure that no animal wants to run into spears. But we humans are endurance hunters. As such your plan is rather brilliant. We might even make a decent amount of money and garner a large number of contributions. What I would suggest is that we literally chase the lions into exhaustion."

Galahad nodded and asked

"Any other opinions."

After a minute of silence, Galahad continued.

"Boris I have trust in your commanding abilities especially in the case of a monster attack and I am confident in your ability to successfully defend against it. Ludwig, I want you to also stay behind and focus on carefully scouting but don't put our hunters in any serious danger. I want info with minimal casualties. Martin, you will come with me. You will be my second in command. Prepare the men for immediate departure"

The men nodded and went their separate ways. Galahad said goodbye to his wife and an hour later departed. By the evening he reached Gragon where he quickly ordered for the levies to be gathered. Early in the morning of the next day, the band headed to Sinor. Where a similar order was given. After the group was armed and gathered, they reached Erfia by the Evening.

While the Guards were quite tense, and the wall had obvious signs of battle the men were still holding strong with minimum casualties. A skinned lion's corpse was being roasted over a fire and the sound of jovial laughter and small talk could still be heard. The troops entered the hamlet and were split into three eight hour wall shifts. While Galahad and most of his officers stayed in the Wooden keep for the night. The lions noticing the vast increase in the number of humans inside the keep decided not to attack. The next day the children and women were ordered to remain inside the keep leaving behind half of the Erfians to defend the walls and the keep just in case. While the rest of the army got back into the square formation with five carts in the middle whereupon twenty archers and twenty crossbowmen where stationed. The formation was moving rather slowly following the trail of the Boreian Lions. Soon the Pride was found at which point the men properly formed up and the archers and crossbowmen started volley fire. The lions in the start faked a charge. With a couple of them not being able to curb their speed quickly enough before self impaling upon the spear lines. Day by day the lions were whittled down. Every day the army would advance slowly for hours on end always in formation with the range units sending volley after volley of fire. A week later all of the lions were now nothing more than pelts.

The only battle of note was on the last day when ten or so lions did a heroic, but rather futile charge.

With ten men getting overrun.

After that, the men exhausted from the constant marching and fighting took some well-earned rest. After a few hours of resting on-site, they returned to Erfia where a huge feast was held. The dead were properly honored and each of the deceased's families got a lion's pelt as compensation for their loved one's death. A lion pelt was also gifted to each of the major settlements. Specifically the hamlet of Erfia, the hamlet of Sinor and the town of Gragon. When they returned at Highkeep proper. The most impressive lion mane was used as a carpet in the Great hall. While another pelt was sent to the Count of Apothia and one more to Nicolas. The rest were sold through Theodore's business connections netting him seventy whole gold coins.

After that glorified hunt life returned to relative normalcy.

A week later Galahad was having a rather hectic day, he was adjudicating a small civil case. A miner named Paul claimed that Max a foreign laborer raped his wife. The evidence was rather lacking, to say the least. But the locals firmly believed Paul and were rather outraged. On the other hand, the foreign laborers were looking out for each other and as such, they obviously supported their own. This case was especially frustrating since the only evidence was circumstantial. With this in mind, Galahad had reached a rather irritating impasse. He first ordered for the peasants to be kept outside as their constant fighting was rather distracting, After being in deep thought for five minutes a horrible headache sprouted. But after a short while silently massaging his temples the solution suddenly hit him. He then called for Max, Paul and his wife Fiona to come before him once again.

Galahad stared at their eyes with a steely look he then sighed heavily before saying sternly.

"The one of you lying should come before me now and confess. Otherwise, I will call the Adjudicators."

The plebeians jaws dropped in shock. After a minute of silence, Max had composed himself enough to respond rather nervously.

"Sire I can't believe that you would call the Adjudicators. Have you never heard the story of Terans City."

Galahad smiled from ear to ear and said mockingly.

"Obviously I have never heard the City. Why would I? It is obviously not the first story every noble child hears before they can even walk. Where the protagonist's most famous quote is "To never call the Adjudicators."."

Max said in horror.

"You are serious. But why... You have done so much work. What if the Adjudicators deem that your fief is a hotbed of sin and cleanse it."

Galahad smiled and responded rather candidly.

"I for one know I am clean and if my fief is truly dirty enough to be cleansed so be it. Most of the people living here if you have forgotten are Exoristoi. As such at worst their sentence will become life long and sent back to the king. After all, it is his property. The only people that could commit a crime are either. Me, The survivors, The few recent settlers and finally the foreign laborers. None of you is a survivor so who will it be The settlers or the Laborers answer me? Now if and only if you come forward now and say the truth you will just become Exoristoi for twenty years. Now if you lie you and most likely your close friends and family will die."

Fiora sighed and said.

"Sire I am sorry. Neither of those two is lying. The fact of the matter is that I worked in the Happy Harpies. I constantly lied to my husband telling him I was going to meet my cousin Chloe. Originally that was the reason for my visits. But when her husband died. She started working there, she had no other choice. Originally I was repulsed by it. But seeing my cousin go from barely scraping by to being relatively well of. Made me realize how well such a job paid. I then spoke to Chloe about giving it a try. She originally declined to even entertain the idea but after my constant pestering, she complied. After tasting the good life I planned to eventually leave this grim living behind and move to the capital. To wear velvet, drink fine wine and have gourmet food. Perhaps I could land a merchant or even a noble husband and finally live a pampered life. A week ago I noticed that I hadn't had my blood calling for over a month. As such, I needed to take action. After all, I wasn't ready to yet to leave for the capital."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I see. As you told the truth I shall not change my punishment. But the money you made shall be split between Paul and Max It is the least you can do. Additionally, since you enjoyed partaking in such pleasures behind your husband's back. I shall call over a priest to annul the marriage. Finally, I shall sentence you to twenty years as an Exoristoi. With the suggested occupation of army relief. Karlos prepare the scroll. Guards lock her in one of the keeps empty rooms and tomorrow transfer her to Gragon."

Paul then said.

"Thanks, sire I never knew that I wasn't sleeping with a woman. But a rotten milk bucket. Ah and Max I owe you an apology I was blind. Let's go to the Inn, drinks on me."

After the two peasants where dismissed. He read carefully through the scroll detailing Fiona's confession before sealing it and returning it to Karlos. But before Galahad could relax for even a moment there was another knock.

Karlos then shouted.

"Who wishes to have an audience with Sir Galahad protector of the Northern Fringe and for what reason."

Ludwig then responded.

"It is I, Ludwig. I have something to report."

Galahad slumped at his throne for a second before standing back up and giving a nod towards Karlos.

Karlos then said in a more moderate and softer tone.

"You may come in."

Ludwig quickly entered the room and gave a quick bow. Galahad gave a short nod and Ludwig said.

"Sire I found foreign beast tracks in the forest"

Galahad then asked.

"What do you exactly mean by foreign beasts. "

Ludwig responded.

" Beast tracks of beasts that don't normally come to these parts. Similarly to the Borean Lion pride. Such as the Hyperborean Wolfs, the HyperBorean Foxes, and the HyperBorean Hares as well as some rather rare and much more dangerous beasties such as the Penloth. Thankfully the lions diverted those other dangerous predators away from our territory."

Galahad nodded and then asked.

"What do you think is the reason for such a large migration?"

Ludwig shrugged and said.

"Honestly, Sir I have no idea but the fact that most of them seem to not have moved much more south than our territory. Then whatever it is will probably not arrive here any time soon. Additionally, it could be some type of god act or a long term migration thanks to overpopulation."

Galahad sighed and responded.

"I see, alright if you don't have anything else of importance to report you are officially dismissed. But please keep your eyes open."

Ludwig gave a short nod, bowed and left the room.

Soon another knock was heard.

Galahad nodded towards Karlos but secretly rolled his eyes.

Karlos then shouted.

"Who wishes to have an audience with Sir Galahad protector of the Northern Fringe and for what reason."

A tall lanky blonde man entered the room and gave a clumsy bow. Galahad then gave a quick nod and the man started speaking with a surprising high but calm voice.

"I Horf have come to inform your lordship that your brother has exited his isolation. He is thankful for the pelt as it will cover some of the rather bare floor. He also requested that you summon your exorist alchemist and sent her to his tower. Nicolas is planning to take her in as his alchemical disciple since she shows some promise for the art even though she has some minor personality quirks."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Alright, mister messenger if it wouldn't be too hard for you. I would require you to go inform her yourself, she is in the market district."

The tall fellow nodded and said

"Of course your lordship."

The man then bowed and exited the room.

Galahad looked around and waited for a second before saying to Karlos.

"That was a rather full day. By the way Karlos I would like to ask you if you know any good artists. I would like to commission a human-sized statue as a monument for the center of the market district to honor my fallen subjects."

Karlos nodded and said.

"I do as a matter of fact know an excellent artist. But it will cost the realm about twenty-five whole gold. But on the bright side, it will take only about a year to be finished. But who will the statue be of."

Galahad smiled softly and responded.

"I want a general looking peasant armed with a simple badly maintained piece of levy equipment at his last moments. With an epigraph in the front ascribing these words. "Valor is not only the domain of nobles. Even the meekest of men can die and live chivalrously." and With an epigraph in the back saying "Those great men gave their lives to buy us enough time so I and the rest of the survivors could successfully escape." Finally, I would like two epigraphs one in the left and one in the right naming the men which gave their lives for our salvation.

Karlos nodded and said.

"I will send him a letter. But I can't promise much. While we do have a good relation. He has quite a few orders. So he mostly works for either great nobles or ideas that he truly finds intriguing. "

Galahad nodded and said.

" Let's hope he is interested then. For now Karlos you are dismissed. I shall see you tomorrow."

Karlos gave a deep bow and responded.

"Good night Sir."

After that short conversation, Galahad retired to his bedroom while Karlos left the keep.