A Plot Uncovered and a Census.

The following events unfolded in quick succession the duke had his meetings, after that there was a small feast. Where Galahad gifted the Duke a copy of one of his ancestor's books called The Occitan Invasion of Boreia and its demographic changes. The next morning the Duke and most of his men left. But he left behind a "small group" of servants to take care of his grandson. A week later Galahad was having a walk around the town before his steward Karlos appeared and said with a smile.

"Sire, great news. The harvest is finished. While I wouldn't suggest organizing a Harvest festival quite yet. I do think it would be a great idea for the autumn season. Also, I did an inventory check on our wheat and ale. Thanks to the plentiful harvest we have more than enough wheat for our needs and our brewery can produce more than enough ale in exchange for wheat so our water issues are also solved for now. But I would still ask your brother to come up with a solution the buying of Ale is a constant drain on our finances."

Galahad nodded and responded.

"This is great news and I do agree to host a harvest festival in autumn. As for the water idea, I will ask my brother what he can do. On the other hand I am getting slightly worried about the lessening yields in the inner farms any idea on why is it happening?"

Karlos looked towards Galahad and asked.

"Em, what did you plant in the last year's spring season?"

Galahad looked at him and responded.

"Well, nothing there was the whole recovery thing but the season before I took over we had wheat."

Karlos nodded and then asked.

"So you have been planting only wheat here?"

Galahad shrugged and said.

"I don't know."

Karlos looked slightly worried and then asked.

"What about the livestock?"

Galahad looked and responded

"Oh, we have mostly located them near Gragon where they are safer. I don't think there was much livestock before the rebuilding but we never did a census or anything."

Karlos sighed heavily and asked.

"So you are telling me that this land had only one crop farmed for how long exactly? and barely any pastures until recently."

Galahad shrugged and said.

"Well, I don't know but maybe we can ask a long time serf?"

Karlos nodded and asked.

"What about Martin or Ludwig?"

Galahad shook his head and said.

"Martin is far too young and Ludwig is a hunter so he probably wouldn't notice any irregularities. So hm... how about Henry the guy in his forties which goes to the church of Lados every day?"

Karlos raised his eyebrow and asked.

"How do you even, know him?"

Galahad shrugged and said.

"There were only twelve guys alive after the goblin ordeal I got acquainted pretty well with all of them. He is the oldest of the survivors, he was born here and is a farmer. I don't think there is a man better equipped to answer your queries."

Karlos nodded and said.

"Do you know where he lives?"

Galahad thought for a moment and said.

"No, but I am sure that Martin does and he should be at the barracks."

Karlos nodded, and they quickly headed off. Five minutes later they were in front of a really long peasant house. A more apt description perhaps. It is six slightly better-built peasant houses all stuck together. In front of the Barracks, there was a small courtyard with training dummies.

After they headed inside. A tall man stood up and said with respect.

"Greetings my lord, If I may ask why are you here?"

Galahad looked at him and said.

"I am looking for Sergeant Martin any idea of where he is?"

The man nodded and said.

"Yes, he is in patrol duty he should be back in half an hour."

Galahad nodded and said

"We shall wait then."

Half an hour later Martin together with another fellow returned when noticing Galahad they both gave a small bow.

Galahad motioned for him to stand up and then asked.

"Martin do you know where Henry from the Survivors resides?"

Martin nodded and said.

"He lives in the second house on the left of the Temple of Lados. You can't miss it. There is a small religious Icon of Lados above his door frame. Making it stand out from the rest of the houses nearby."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Thanks, I will be in my way then. Ah, and can you send me a list of your patrol routes?"

Martin nodded and said.

"Yes, My Liege."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I will take my leave now."

After another five minutes or so, they reached the small house matching the description.

Karlos knocked and quickly after a plain chubby woman in her thirties opened the door.

She bowed and said.

"Greetings Sire and Mister Karlos how may I be of use?"

Galahad said softly.

"Miss, we are looking for your husband do you know where he is?"

The woman nodded and said.

"Oh, he is in the back doing some repairs. Give me a second."

The woman then headed to the back of the house and shouted.


A meek male voice was heard.

"Martha, I haven't done anything wrong okay? just let me go speak with his lordship okay."

Martha harrumphed loudly and said.

"Alright, I can always remarry if things go badly and you get killed."

Galahad's facial muscles twitched. While he thought ~Poor fellow, at least my wife is not like that. She is so sweet and kind.~ He then shuddered as a new thought popped up in his mind.~ I need to keep this woman as far away from my wife as it is humanly possible. I can't let this monster in female form pollute poor innocent Katerina.~

While Galahad was having those thoughts a rather plain-looking, greying thin man came over he gave a deep bow and said quietly.

"Greetings my liege, To what do I owe the great honor of having you visit my humble abode?"

Galahad shook his head in an attempt to push away his childish thoughts before responding.

"Ah yes, Henry, Karlos wanted to ask you about something."

Karlos nodded and asked.

"I would like to ask. What did you plant when Sir Evanor von Highkeep ruled and if any changes happened after the fief regents took over?"

Henry thought for a while before responding.

"Well, we used to sow based on the system of the three fields under Evanor. One field was beans, one was wheat and one was left fallow. We didn't have enough animals to properly use the fallow ones. So most of the time we allowed the herders from Gragon to come over and graze their animals for a minor amount of compensation. After the first regent took over he made a bunch of new laws. He first increased the taxes for craftsmen from ten to fifty percent of their income. Good riddance I say. He also put a signing tax for signing new apprentices. He limited hunting to only the spring months and also mandated that all fields should produce wheat to maximize production. After that, all the subsequent regents upheld them. Ah, they also deemed Michael the only one allowed to trade with outsiders. Em, after you took over my liege, the laws remained unchanged. Michael showed us all signed documents where you upheld the previous laws as the birthright ruler. So we continued to sow wheat and pay our taxes. The only reason your hunters hunt all year round. Is because most of them are Exoristoi so they are not aware of the law. But we the survivors are truly grateful to you my liege for improving our lives so quickly. We could not have asked for anything more. Even though some folks grumble quite a bit about the mandatory donations to the shrine of Lados nobody is too bothered about it. After all keeping a good relationship with the gods, even the ones you don't follow is nothing but positive."

Galahad's face grew dark but his voice remained emotionless while asking.

"So, have you been following all of those laws?"

Henry nodded and said with pride and a hint of anger.

"Yeah, although the Exoristoi didn't believe us at first when we told them about those laws. Thankfully, the church of Lados has a copy of the church tax decree, which did convince them to provide a regular tithe. Additionally, as I was the one that managed the sowing of the fields I continued following the law about sowing all the fields with just wheat. But sadly I have no control over the craftsmen and the Hunters so I can't uphold the laws there."

Galahad shouted in anger.

"Michael is a fucking bastard, a son of a whore, and a traitor and this fucker Markos told me nothing about the whole tax. GRRRRRRR"

Henry slightly horrified said tremblingly.

"Sire, it would be best if you didn't insult the priest, Lados might smite you."

Galahad sighed heavily in an attempt to calm down before saying with a slightly odd tone.

"Thanks, for the info Henry any other such laws I confirmed?"

Henry thought for a while before saying.

"Well there is a law about how many kids you are allowed to have three at most for each family otherwise there is a tax."

Galahad gave a quick nod and responded.

"Thanks for the help Henry me and Karlos will now take our leave."

After they returned to the castle Galahad started walking from and back to his throne while stewing. All the while hurling insults to Michael, to the Regents, to Markos, and to his past self for a solid twenty minutes.

After he stopped he collapsed on his thone and looked towards Karlos before asking softly.

"What now?"

Karlos quickly responded.

"Well, Sire it seems like your old steward Michael, Markos, and the Regents and perhaps the one that appointed them where all in cahoots. So I would suggest to officially repeal all of those terrible laws reinstate the three field farming system and finally do a census to truly understand our people's skillsets, number, races, and nationalities plus I am sure your brother will want some more apprentices around so we can always check the kids for the gift and even the adults you never know. After all, we are about to get a big influx of migrants and slaves when this trading post is constructed."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Karlos Gather the people. I will give a speech in about an hour. In all honesty, I should have asked about the laws earlier. Ah and Karlos, why is the three field method better?"

Karlos nodded and said.

"Because it reinvigorates the ground leading to more bountiful harvests. Concerning your request, as you will my Liege."

At those words, Karlos bowed deeply and exited the throne room.

One hour later Galahad stood in the center of the town wearing his armor, while his men at arms were guarding him. Galahad spoke slowly and loudly with a calm tone.

"Survivors, Exoristoi, and New settlers, men, and women, humans, and not. I Galahad your Sire has an announcement to make in regards to the laws of the land. First and foremost, the official repeal of the rumored kid tax. Secondly the official repeal of the Lados tithe. Thirdly the official repeal of the special status of Michael as a merchant and the creation of a special permit which will be provided by Karlos for free that allows you to trade. The status of merchant will be free and can only be revoked by committing the crimes of tax evasion, malpractice, and scamming as well as more serious crimes at my and only my discretion. The reintroduction of the superior three field farming method. The repeal of the apprentice tax. The repeal of the hunting act disallowing hunting in all months except spring. The introduction of the Galahadian Hunting act which will disallow hunting in spring to maximize prey with the exception of hunting predators and migratory birds. The decrease of the craftsmen tax at eight percent. In regards to crimes, in general, the standard rules of the kingdom apply for more information ask Karlos."

Galahad then stopped for a minute and let everyone take in what he just decreed before continuing.

"When I first took control of the fief. I will be honest and say I was very green on the whole ruling thing. At the time the only thing I knew well is how to swing a sword and ride a horse. So I decided to allow a prominent member of the fief to help me rule. Michael, the same Michael that suddenly disappeared when the goblins attacked, the same Michael which was the sole owner of the privilege of trading, the same Michael which stole countless whole gold coins from me. He was the one that put the laws on the table and which I lacking wisdom barely read before signing them. I was foolish, green and I trusted people's better nature far too much. The fact, I wanted to enjoy life with my newly taken power without thinking of the consequences and responsibilities, blinded me and almost led to complete ruin. Thankfully the gods decided to give me a crimson but relative lenient lesson, which I am still comprehending to this day. Once again I am sorry but I promise to make things better as I have strived every day after the invasion. That is all I want to say. Now please line up. Karlos will take a census of everyone and everything in the Hamlet."

At the last remark, the people cheered and clapped. Things might be hard in the frontier, but Galahad had proven an honest and hard-working lord.

After the cheering subsided the men, women, and children lined up and reported their property, rough age, gender, race, job, culture, and religion.

After about three hours, the survey was finished and Karlos returned to the keep where Galahad was waiting to hear the results, he bowed and said.

"Sire, the census has been completed.

Specifically, the total permanent population is four hundred and sixty-two. A hundred and nine men, and ninety-nine women the rest are children.

The oldest group. That we have are the Survivors seventy of them fifteen men and twenty-one women with the rest being kids twelve boys and twenty-two girls. All are of Boreian culture and of the human race, as for religion all of them are Lados worshippers. On jobs, all the men are serfs except for your two men at arms and the hunter.

The biggest group, the Exoristoi counted up to three hundred and forty-nine they have eighty-four men, seventy-five women, ninety-nine girls, and eighty-one boys. One hundred and ninety-two are Boreian, ninety-four are Occitan, forty are Frankian, twenty are Karelian and three are from Erimos. On race three hundred and thirty are Human, ten are half dwarfs, six are elfkin, and three are self characterized as Half Swars. On religions, a hundred and twenty-four believe in Herva the goddess of harvest and merriness, eighty-four believe in Omra the goddess of beauty and family, fifty believe in Ploutia goddess of wealth, thirty-four believe in Thalasos god of the waves and seas, twenty believe in Emas the god of war and combat, fourteen believe in Sfairos god of crafts, ten believe in Lados god of nobility, six believe in Fis the god of nature, four believe in Gnos the god of magic and knowledge, three believe in Libania goddess of oasis and travel. As for jobs most of them are laborers specifically fifty-nine of them, there is also a mason, a smith, ten men at arms, five hunters, an alchemist, seven apprentices, three maids, and a cook.

The Duke's people are counted at twenty-three. Specifically fourteen men and nine women. Fifteen Boreian, Seven Occitan, and one Frankian all Humans. They all believe in Lados. Their occupations are a butler, an educator, two knights, eight men at arms, a noble(magic apprentice), a cook, and nine maids.

The new settlers. The nonpermanent and permanent ones. The nonpermanent settlers are fifty-three men and all are boreian laborers. Thirty believe in Herva and twenty-three in Ploutia. The permanent settlers are thirteen in total, ten men and three women. The innkeeper, five serfs, your wife, Ethan the priest, and his two nuns, me, Theodore, and your brother. Almost all the permanent settlers believe in Ploutia. With the exception of your brother, and Theodore they believe in Gnos. Everyone is Boreian except for me and Theodore we are Occitan and everyone is a human.

Finally the natural-born babies, eighteen girls and twelve boys all in all thirty. They are all human, have no culture, religion or job.

On the topic of magic currently, we have Nicolas, Theodore, the Duke's grandson, and George

That is as far as it comes to people my liege but outside property I also took the liberty to do an account of our current livestock."

Galahad nodded and Karlos continued.

"We also have sixty sheep, nineteen adult females, and one male. twenty-three female lambs and seventeen male lambs.

Fifty chickens, fourteen hens, and one rooster the rest are chicks.

Forty pigs, five female adults one male adult. fourteen male piglets and twenty female piglets.

Seventeen horses eleven females and six males.

Four oxen.

We also have a housing shortage. We currently have one hundred and ten houses and we need one hundred twenty to accommodate everyone including the duke's men, But for now, we can make do with the inn and our barracks. But I don't know for how long we can manage to keep up with population growth as we will soon start receiving refugees and while we do still have some tents they are not a permanent solution."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Alright, we will do this census again in four years. Just add new arrivals to the list and update it for any deaths and births and we should be mostly right until the next one. We will also need to consider new shrines but not yet. As for housing make it a priority above the road and let's put it as a goal to get to one hundred and fifty houses. For now, you are dismissed as I need to consider all this new information, as well as lie down, and rest."