News and a Meeting

A young fellow arrived at Highkeep the next day. After being led to the keep's throne room the fellow bowed deeply before saying.

"Greetings Sir Galahad I have come bearing news. First and foremost your fief has been officially been designated a Baronetcy. As such certain privileges are granted first and foremost a Baronet shall be granted instead of fifty points one hundred points a year when it comes to the Exoristoi event. Secondly, a Baronet may grant knighthood to one man. Thirdly, a Baronet doesn't need to be a knight to inherit the title of Baronet and the lands that come with it. Fourthly as a Baronet, you shall be addressed as Sir. But in an official setting, you shall be greeted before landed knights and after Barons. "

Galahad nodded and said.

"These are good news anything else?"

The man nodded and said.

"In the conflict of Ribertan Baron Monver was slain by the vile ambush. As such his title as Baron of Gragon will pass to his closest relative Baron Emanuel von Kompoli, the Baron of Kompoli. Sir Jeroic has been stripped of his title as Landed Knight of Heria for mismanaging his majesty's assets and dereliction of duty. The fief has been granted to Sir Donathan the Tall. Sir Adam von Sinor died in combat and the fief has been inherited by his firstborn Sir Konder von Sinor."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Gods rest their souls both the Baron's and Sir Adam's. I shall pay my respects at the earliest possible date"

The man nodded and continued after Galahad finished.

"Sir Galahad of Highkeep is required to come in a week's time from now to Gragon to swear fealty to the new Baron."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I will be there. Are there any other news?"

The man nodded and continued

"By decree of the King, all landed nobles that didn't directly take part in the war shall pay a special tax to help with the war effort. Landed Knights ten whole gold coins, Baronets twenty whole gold coins, Barons fifty whole gold coins, Viscounts five hundred whole gold coins, Counts one thousand whole gold coins, and Dukes five thousand whole gold coins. As Sir Galahad didn't take part in the conflict it is only reasonable that he will help alleviate some of the expenses garnered from it. As such he shall pay a special tax of twenty whole gold coins to his majesty. Sir Galahad has a year to pay the tax or there will be consequences."

Galahad nodded and asked.

"Anything else?"

The man gave a deep bow and responded.

"No, Sir, that is all."

Galahad nodded and responded.


After a moment the messenger exited the hall. After about a minute Galahad looked towards Karlos and said.

"Well, these pieces of news are rather shocking. Thankfully the tax isn't too big and we should be able to cover it with relative ease. Instead, I am more worried about this Emanuel fellow. Any information about him?"

Karlos then responded.

"To be totally honest, I still don't really know much about the local political scene. For such a thing the best man to ask is Theodore. But it would be prudent to expect him to try to push his weight around. While he can't just replace you. It is quite likely he will impose a tax and attempt to wrestle some benefits away from you. That could explain why Jeroic got ousted. He might want to strengthen his hand. I haven't heard much about Sir Konder but he at least he has local origins apparently he is a middle-aged knight that has been living in the capital for some time. In short, he is a wild card."

Galahad sighed heavily and responded.

"The problem is that Sir Donathan is the count's man, not Emanuel's."

Karlos thought for a moment before asking.

"Sire, it might be the fact that the Count wants to minimize the amount of strength Baron Emanuel has. After all, the only thing separating the Barony of Gragon from the Barony of Kompoli is the Barony of Lernar and I haven't heard the kindest words about the competency of Lord Charles. Having a vassal controlling half of your baronies makes him a de facto viscount and we all know that with the right amount of money and connections he can be recognized as such."

Galahad nodded and responded.

"It would seem reasonable for the count to try to minimize the influence of Emanuel but in that case why did he replace Jeroic and why didn't he try to contact me with an offer of cooperation something is off."

Karlos shrugged and responded.

"I honestly don't know and I can't make any assumptions from the few bits and bobs of information I have. But I am sure that with the help of Theodore we might be able to get a clearer picture."

Galahad nodded and said.

"We need to send an attendant to call for him."

Karlos sighed and responded.

"Yes, Sire as long as his in the fief we should be able to find him."

After a fruitless search around the fief, Galahad found out that Theodore had left for Apothia yesterday and was planning to stay there for a week. After cursing the man for not informing him Galahad sent a Messenger to find him and inform him that his counsel is needed.

Meanwhile... In the Flowery Inn, a man suddenly felt a mild headache. *Is somebody giving me the evil eye he thought.* He then looked towards the pair of girls laying his bed he shook his head and with a lecherous smile, he said. "It's showtime."

Two days later Theodore stood in the throne room together with Karlos, Martin, and Boris.

Galahad coughed and quickly reiterated what the messenger told him. After he finished he looked towards Theodore and added.

"Now, as you are the most well-versed in local politics. I would like to ask your opinion when it comes to the change in the political landscape."

Theodore nodded and responded.

"The premier issue Sire. Is to understand the motives and personality of your new liege Emanuel and what he might be planning. First and foremost Emanuel seems to be on the productive side of the decadent to productive noble spectrum. He has a large number of Exoristoi and was an unlikely Baron, as a fourth son. His oldest brother was killed in a hunt his second brother was exiled for rape and his third brother had already left and joined a mercenary company he died in one of the many skirmishes inside the Carglanian <>. His father was rather incapable and cared more about the embrace of women rather than ruling. Emanuel quickly reformed the family fief and strengthened his position by ruthlessly killing Lord Vargon von Lernar in a duel. Rumors say that he also assassinated all the capable heirs of Vargon and made sure Lord Charles took control. After that, he earned Exoristoi points by exterminating small bandit groups and acquired additional points by trading anthracite for gold and then gold for points. With the simple goal of getting a ton of relatively loyal followers which if they are above a certain percentage of the total population will give the added boon of not forcing him to fight in the wars that the Kingdom gets itself involved in. In short, he seems to care more about furthering his own power and strengthening his base. The question is does he see you as a threat? Because if that is the case you might be in trouble. Thankfully you are now Baronet which means that he can't just confiscate your land. But you should remain vigilant expanding your personal forces and armory could also be wise. After all, while there is a lot of social conventions in place to some degree might still makes right. The rest of the Barons are on the battlefield. The same applies for the count but his heir has been ruling in his stead and they seem to be close. As such his actions will most likely be similar to his father and his father is well known for emulating his grandfather. From rumors, I have heard here and there the count doesn't seem especially fond of Baron Monver and his vassals. So keep an open eye for any challenges from there as well."

Galahad nodded and responded.

"That seems like a wise idea indeed so Boris and Martin have you noticed any men among the laborers or the refugees which seem like they would make a good fit for the force?"

Boris nodded and responded.

"Sire, there are several strong men in the fief some of them are vood enough for the force. But to be honest I am not the best commander when it comes to fighting men. Additionally, in my respect of you and the little time, you had been controlling the fief I have held back from mentioning that there is a need for a Shrine of Emas. But with the expansion of the fief and the stabilization of your income sire. I can't justify having my men die for you without them having a chance to go to the afterlife. Before we expand the militia we need to first secure our path to the afterlife."

Galahad raised his eyebrow and looked Boris straight at his eyes before asking.

"Are you disobeying orders."

Boris didn't flinch even for a split second before responding flatly.

"I have a duty towards my men to secure their welfare by minimizing the deaths and securing a path to the afterlife. I have no fear of death or war myself but I am duty-bound to act in the best interest of my men."

Galahad sighed heavily and responded.

"Boris you are the best commander I currently have. As such you do need to lead the men otherwise their life is in greater danger. I will also commission shrines to all the gods currently without shrines. I will need to first contact their churches but I should be able to set it up. Karlos how much would such an endeavor cost?"

Boris stood thinking while Karlos spoke up with his usual simultaneously calm and frantic demeanor.

"Em Sire while some churches shouldn't be too hard some might be quite problematic. Herva and Omra should be relatively easy there are churches of them in Gragon. Sfairos would be much harder but normally the priests are also craftsmen so if we are careful we might cover some of the production holes we have in our fief. Emas is more prevalent in Karelia getting a priest here would cost at least ten whole gold. As for Thalassos it is lucky we have the river otherwise it will be close to impossible to get a church here but again the cost would be relatively high. For Gnos we will require a library school complex and it will be relatively expensive. Libanian priests only really exist in Erimos getting one of them here is close to impossible. As for Fis, their priests are quite radical and it would be best if they weren't invited to the fief."

Galahad shook his head and said.

"Don't describe me the churches give a rundown of the cost of establishing each church. Additionally, after you are done with that explain to me the issues with the Fis church."

Karlos nodded and responded.

"Herva and Omra one whole gold each outside each church's construction cost. Each church should cost about five whole gold. Twelve whole gold in total for both churches. Sfairos would cost about ten for the priest's workshop and another five for the church proper. For Emas ten to get the priest here and another five for the church to be compl.."

But before Karlos could continue Boris piped in.

"The church of Emas needs to be the grandest church. Because we need to make it as likely as possible for the men to go to the afterlife."

Galahad's face became red with anger as he slammed his fist on his throne's armrest. Before saying loudly but calmly.

"You will not speak out of order UNDERSTOOD. Now on the topic of your church being the greatest, it has fewer believers than most other churches in the fief. But I will allow the barracks and the training grounds to be converted to a part of the church. As such it will be the <>. But they will continue to operate as normal."

Boris bowed and said.

"Indeed I did act out of order and it is unacceptable. Additionally, this is a reasonable solution."

Galahad nodded and motioned to Karlos to continue.

Karlos was dizzy for a second but before he was about to continue. Martin stepped up and bowed before Galahad motioning that he wanted to speak.

Galahad sighed feeling a headache coming up and allowed Martin to speak.

Martin nodded and said.

"Sire, While I don't mind the fact that Boris and some of the Exoristoi have different faiths from myself. I find it unacceptable that the barracks will be converted to a part of the Church of Emas."

Galahad nodded and said.

"This is indeed a reasonable position. Then how about starting to plan for the future now. Martin, you shall be promoted to Captain you will also need to recruit ten more men and you will have ten men under your command the same applies for you, Boris. I will build a second barracks for the non-Emas followers which will be under Martin's control. Anything else?"

Martin bowed and responded.

"I am honored Sire and my queries have been successfully answered."

Galahad looked towards Karlos and motioned him once again to continue.

Karlos tried to get back his bearing for a moment before continuing.

"Em for Thalasos we would again require to transport the priest and to build a church in total another twelve whole gold. For Gnos we would require a library and a school. The library is the most costly building. For a library to be even close to sufficient for the priest's standards it would need to have at least one hundred books. The church would cost about as much. As for the school, it can just be a simple building. Finally, the problem with Fis is the fact that the priests em are kinda barbaric. Most of the time they will either walk in the public naked or the less extreme ones will wear animal hides. Most of them are against the idea of civilization, farming, smithing, and even magic."

Galahad thought for a moment before responding.

"Let's put off the church of Gnos and Fis, for now. How much will the rest cost."

Karlos did a quick calculation before responding.

"Sixty-one whole gold coins. I also got news from my sculpture friend he said he will start construction of the statue now it would cost about twenty whole gold too.

Galahad paled for a second before asking

"How much money do we have?

Karlos smile trembled for a second before responding.

"If we add to our cost em the new equipment for the men. We would be left with twenty whole gold and fifty whole silver. After we pay the tax we would be left with fifty whole silver."

Galahad sighed and responded.

"The meeting is over. You are all dismissed."

After that, the hall emptied. Soon after Katerina appeared and said sweetly.

"You look exhausted. "

Galahad smiled bitterly and said.

"Because I am. I just had my first insubordination, I need to empty my coffers to sponsor the churches a net drain for my fief, the whole situation in the county has changed and I was never great when it came to politics."

His wife caressed his hair and responded softly.

"If you need anything you know I am always there for you."

Galahad smiled and said.

"Thanks, Hey in four days we are going to Gragon I have ordered you a new dress."

Katerina smiled and said sweetly.

"I see I am excited."

Galahad sighed and said.

"I will go over and see Etheria as well. She must be devastated with the death of Monver."

Katerina nodded and said.

"I will head to the bedroom. Come over when you want."

Galahad nodded and after his wife left the room he took out some of the Brandebergian brandy his father in law gave him and poured himself a glass. He then whispered to himself.

"Big elderly oak, I hope you are still alive."

He then drained his glass. Most of the subsequent night was spent contemplating his life's journey, with only a few moments of respite from the splendid isolation of his mind. The handful of precious minutes taken to refill his glass. This rather twisted ritual repeated itself until the brazier grew dim and sweet oblivion overtook him.