No time for mourning

As Galahad exited the room. His face was serene but darkened, his first action was to task one of the guards with gathering the people around the pyre and another one with preparing the sacrifices. In the meantime, he had a short talk with his brother. About, an hour later every man, woman, and child stood below a hastily erected funeral pyre. The weather was rather pleasant sunny with only a few lazy clouds dampening the mid-day warmth. A rather odd combination with the gloomy atmosphere.

Galahad then stood up atop a small platform in front of the pyre and said.

"My people, I have gathered you here today to mourn the passing of my spiritual father. A great man, who died in service of the King and Us. So as a means to honor such a martial man. I am announcing that soon I will depart on a pilgrimage. The journey will be long and arduous but at my return, we will have curried the favor of several patron gods including Emas the god of war and assured the passing of Sir Matthew to Emas's Divine realm. I request that Priest Markos and Priest Ethan give a short sermon to ease his passing to the afterlife."

After the speech, both Priest Markos and Priest Ethan after a few awkward seconds of standing around started slowly walking up to the platform perhaps in an attempt to get time to recollect their thoughts. For a few seconds, they just stood there slightly dazed. In a surprising turn the first one to speak was Ethan he cleared his throat and said.

"We are gathered here today to mourn and request the aid of the goddess Ploutia in helping Sir Mathew in his journey to Emas's Divine realm."

He then opened a dazzlingly embezzled book and psalmed.

"Oh, Goddess Ploutia protector of Merchants, Bankers, and Traders. I am sincerely requesting your help in aiding the mortal man named Mathew in his journey towards the afterlife. For he was a man worthy of the help of thy. For he defended the caravans and traders and spent his life fighting the bandits and abominations attempting to pray upon your flock. So we are humbly requesting your assistance in aiding him in his journey towards salvation as he once aided your followers. For his life was given to protect trade and prosperity."

After this personalized part of the ceremony was over he continued with more generic prayers. After thirty more minutes. He concluded his ceremony and stood back.

Galahad smiled genuinely and said.

"I thank you, priest Ethan for your aid. I shall sleep easier knowing the well-traveled and cunning Ploutia is aiding my spiritual father."

Ethan just gave a small smile and nodded.

After silence took over for about a minute Markos walked forward.

"We are gathered here today to mourn and request the aid of the god Lados in helping Sir Mathew in his journey to Emas's Divine realm."

He then opened a much less dashing but rather elegant looking book and psalmed.

"Oh, God Lados protector of Nobles, Knights, and Honorable Men. I am sincerely requesting your help in aiding the mortal man named Mathew in his journey towards the afterlife. For he was a man worthy of the Help of thy. For he defended the weak and vanquished the wicked. Slaying the enemies of the righteous of Human and Beast form. So we are humbly requesting your assistance in aiding him in his journey towards salvation, as he once aided astray souls towards the path of chivalry by providing a crimson testament for them to imitate."

After this personalized part of the ceremony was over he also continued with more generic prayers. After thirty more minutes. He concluded his ceremony and stood back.

Galahad smiled and said.

"I thank you, priest Markos for your aid. I shall sleep easier knowing the Honest and Honorable Lados is aiding my spiritual father."

Markos looked intently towards Galahad for a moment and nodded.

Galahad then looked towards the crowd and said.

"With this ceremony now over. I feel that I and more importantly my spiritual father had closer. But I request that you all stand as witness to my oath."

Galahad then kneeled down closed his eyes and said.

"Oh, Powerful Emas, god of war and bloodshed. I pledge that I shall bring the light of your faith upon my home and if I shall fail. I pledge to cast out my right eye for I will be unworthy of viewing the full range of the gods' light. But I do have to request that you grant my spiritual father a prideful abode."

Galahad then stood up and said to the crowd.

"You may now set fire to the pyre. After the priests and Galahad left the platform a lighting strike struck upon the funeral pyre and set it on fire."

Indeed a sign of the gods murmured Markos and Ethan. The crowd was in awe but soon after started cheering.

Galahad nodded and then said.

"This clearly a sign that the gods view this favorably. Now bring the sacrifices.

Soon one by one they sacrificed two hogs, four rams, and two roosters. May we feast upon the god touched remains so we may live a long and fruitful life."

After a couple of hours of eating and socializing. Galahad took his leave and headed to his keep in a rather odd mood. As he reached his gate his brother and wife were waiting for him there.

His wife seemed rather worried and attempted to support him but Galahad gave her a cold smile and said.

"We can talk about this in a bit. It is important that I speak to my brother first."

Nickolas gave a weary smile and said.

"Shall we head to the under-croft?"

Galahad nodded.

Soon after they were in the under-croft below the keep.

Galahad looked exhausted and said.

"This was rather strenuous. I am rather ashamed of using my spiritual father's death as a front for my pilgrimage to solve the theological issues that plague my fief."

Nickolas shrugged and simply said.

"It was your idea, and if anything you might have gone a bit too far with offering your eye as a sacrifice if you failed at the task at hand."

Galahad shook his head and responded.

"The gods require respect. I am not gonna just make an empty gesture to gather support. All the words I said earlier were true. I do intend to keep my word to the gods. Plus the fact my eye is on the line should push me to work harder."

Nickolas sneered and said.

"At this rate, you will run out of body parts to lose. From a Halfman you will end being a Deadman."

Galahad shrugged and simply said.

"The old me died when my ignorance cost me an arm and a leg. The current me lives on borrowed time from the ones that departed. If anything what is an eye in the pursuit of serving the people."

Then Galahad smiled cheekily and added.

"Plus thus far I have only lost a leg. So I still have some leeway."

Nickolas scoffed and said.

"Yes, an Eye an Ear, an Arm, and a testicle to be exact. After that, you probably will run out of luck."

Nickolas then stopped for a moment and said with a more serious note.

"Although I must say, I was pleasantly surprised on the level maturity you showed when asking for my help, and in all honesty the simple straight forward cunning of your idea was ingenious. In regard to maturity, forward planning and ingenuity you have grown a lot."

Galahad shrugged and said.

"I was forced to grow. But while I did expect the lighting strike to create such an atmosphere, I was still taken aback from their reactions."

Nickolas nodded and said.

"Indeed you did inspire some zeal in some of them and the more zealous ones will be emboldened after such a clear omen you should watch out. I haven't seen such zeal from the time I was in the capital during the divine festival of Omra."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I will keep it in mind. Do you think I should tell my wife?"

Nickolas shook his head and said.

"The fewer people that know the better. Additionally, I don't trust your wife fully."

Galahad gave a simple nod and said.

"It is about time I head back out. See you later brother."

Nickolas nodded and simply said.

"See you later brother."

After that, the two men awkwardly exited the under-croft together. Before going their separate ways they halfheartedly signed each other goodbye.

As Galahad went inside the throne room he saw all the upper rungs of his fief's society waiting for him together with some visitors from all over the Barony of Gragon. Then each person walked up to him and gave their condolences. After about half an hour when the last person offered him his condolences.

Galahad simply asked Karlos.

"Are the Umbrians ready?"

Karlos nodded.

Galahad nodded and then asked Ludwig.

"How is the settlement going?"

Ludwig gave a weary smile and said.

"It is difficult but your brother has been a big help."

Galahad nodded and said.

"If you need anything please inform me."

Ludwig nodded and said.

"It will take us at least a couple of years to be self-sufficient. But thank the gods it seems like we will clean up enough land to sow something before winter. This should alleviate some of the pressure on the food supply."

Galahad nodded and then said

"That would be for the best."

The rest of the night was filled with idle talk and not much more until the couple was finally left alone.

Katerina looked at Galahad sighed and said.

"What has gotten into you? You seem a bit off and you have an air of guilt surrounding you. What is going on?"

Galahad smiled and awkwardly said.

"My spiritual father just died. I just need some time to process my emotions."

Katerina sighed looked back and said.

"If you need to talk about it, I am here for you."

Galahad gave her a small nod and said.

"I know you are."

Soon after the couple retired to their bedroom.

Before even the first crack of dawn, Galahad was already dressed up and standing outside the keep, whatever grogginess remained from the few hours of sleep was taken away by the morning chill.

He then looked towards Marius and said.

"Are you and your men ready?"

Marius bowed and said.

"Yes, my prep, I mean lord. Both I and my men are ready to fight for you."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Good, finish the last preparations, we shall leave in a few minutes."

Galahad then turned away from Markos and admired the golden and orange hues of the sunrise.

After a few minutes lost in the marvel of nature, he looked back and said.

"Let's go."

A few hours later they reached Gragon. The town had recovered somewhat, more people were out and about and the town's vibe was much more positive, the streets filled with laughter and hopeful chatter in stark contrast to the previous visit. However, the underlying issues were apparent by the more somber tones with which people dressed.

Soon Galahad and his men reached the Keep but before they headed inside.

A young attendant stood before them and gave a quick bow to Galahad. Before he said.

"Greetings Sir, Galahad I would like to inform you that only non-combatants and Knights are allowed into the keep."

Galahad nodded and then asked.

"Then where are the men supposed to go?"

The attendant simply said.

"Don't worry Sir, I shall lead the attendants to the training field."

After that Markos and the five other Umbrians followed the attendant. Galahad headed to the great hall there most of the Local Knights had gathered and quite a few new faces. The first person to greet him was surprisingly enough, Sir Monert.

He came before him and said.

"Sir Galahad greetings, first I wish to give you my condolences. Secondly, I would request that you follow me in a side room, I have something to discuss with you."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I shall oblige you."

Soon after the two men moved from the main hall to a side room. There Monert said.

"First and foremost I need to thank you for defending my fief. As thanks, I need to inform you that the other reward for today's competition is that the top three knights and the victorious men shall lead the expedition to exterminate that bandit group. But be careful they are not simple bandits."

Galahad furrowed his eyebrows and asked.

"What do you mean they are not simple bandits?"

Monert simply shrugged and said.

"Normal bandits do not have crossbows and chainmail armor nor do they have their team leaders equipped with half-plate."

Galahad then said.

"Do you think it is a trap?"

Monert shrugged and said.

"All I know is that someone is behind them and I don't know who."

Galahad nodded and said.

"I am thankful for the help."

Monert nodded and said.

"It is nothing."

Galahad then asked.

"Sir Monert, do you know how Sir Matthew died?"

Monert gave a simple nod and responded.

"Yes, while I wasn't present I know he was one of the people sent together with the prince. Apparently he died in the breakthrough charge."

Galahad then simply nodded and said with a grey tone.

"Thanks for the information."

After that, the two men returned to the hall. As soon as the split up.

Sir john grabbed Galahad from the shoulder and whispered to him with a threatening tone.

"Do not ever again take command of my troops without my explicit permission understood."

Galahad gave a simple nod.

Sir John nodded and left to speak with an unknown knight.

This was then followed by a short series of introductions between the different knights. After all, the majority of them were from the Barony of Kompoli.

After about half an hour Baron Emanuel entered the hall followed by the priest and the "Honourable fellah"

The Baron then cleared his throat with a cough and then simply said.

" My good knights together we celebrate your return from the battlefield. As I was aware of your imminent return I asked priest Gregor on how to honor you. He suggested a martial tournament, but I decided to not only just test your physical mettle but your full might. For a man at arms is but an extension of the knight's arms. As such a unit of excellent men at arms proves that their leader must be an excellent knight for being able to instill them with such martial prowess."

He then stopped for a second looked at the gathered knights and added.

"The Knights taking part are Monert von Erfia, John von Ienia, Galahad von Highkeep, Donathan von Psiltin, Konder von Sinor, Alexander von GroyCastle, Vann von Blackwood, Jillsive von Opulus, Morteger von Balgon and finally Ratius von Ropentil. But before the start of the competition, we shall first have the swearing of fealty by Sir Monert, Sir John, Sir Kellor and Sir Norodon."

The fealty ceremony was the exact same as before.

After that, a small feast took place lasting about an hour.

As Galahad was eating the "Honourable gentleman" came over and said.

"I see you have not brought with you your better half."

Galahad nodded and said.

"Indeed most Honourable Gentleman I have not. Why are you asking?"

The man gave a painfully obvious fake smile and said.

"Well my good Sir, I am but curious about Dame Katerina. I mean why wouldn't you bring her to spectate the spectacle after all her presence immediately illuminates the room. Except if perhaps "gasp" she is not presentable right now?"

Galahad gave a similar insincere smile and said.

"Dame Katerina prefers the finer things in life as such bloodshed isn't to her liking."

The man smiled with a genuine smile and said.

"But dead drunkards are? Hmm, how interesting. We shall converse later I have a task to complete for Baron Emanuel."

The man then turned his back and quickly left the room. Before Galahad could respond. The Baron stoop up and decreed.

"Now that you have eaten and drunk merrily brave knights. Let us gather to the training field where you shall prove your martial prowess."

A few minutes after those words were uttered, the knights had gathered at the training field.