Confession (2)

Li Chuntao had no choice but to agree with her sister's terms. This was better than troubling Shen Zichen to spill out everything he knew about what was happening to Ying. She begrudgingly agreed as long as her sister would tell her everything. 

Li Xiuying then started telling her what happened several weeks ago, prior to this day. She narrated how Mu Jianyu came home from his business trip, slightly drunk, and had been telling her how amazing it was to have a wife like her and how he couldn't wait to start a family with her. Then the next day, she caught the scent of a woman's perfume from the work clothes he had worn but didn't question him, in fear that he might really be seeing another woman behind her back. 

It was painful for Li Xiuying to be reminded of the past, yet, as promised, she told Li Chuntao everything. From her suspicion, Shen Zichen's encounter with Mu Jianyu and Lin Meirong to yesterday's event at the hospital. The silence at Li Chuntao's side was nerve-wracking. Li Xiuying could only imagine how mad her twin sister was right now. 

Before she could finish her narrative, Li Xiuying heard a loud crack on her sister's side. 


"Continue." Came Li Chuntao's icy response. As expected, her reaction was exactly what Li Xiuying had anticipated. However, she was impressed by how her sister managed to contain her anger. If it was before, profanities could be heard even before she could finish telling her the recent events in her life. 

Li Xiuying continued and explained how her stupid husband tried to suck and leech money from their company much to her annoyance. Cheating on her was one thing, but did Mu Jianyu really have to go against her family? 

When all was said and done, Mu Jianyu had chosen his mistress but he should also accept that Li Xiuying would choose her family over him. He cannot blame him once his crime was discovered and aired in public later. Lin Meirong should also face the consequence of digging her claws on someone else's husband and pay the price for it. What hid behind the lies were truths that failed to get to the light. What laid behind their betrayal may have been honest at first sight. 

"Chuntao, you haven't said anything… I'm worried." Li Xiuying twirled her hair with her finger nervously as she waited for her twin to reply. 

"What do you want me to say, Ying? That you have a husband who's also a low stupid son of a cactus loving whore?" Li Chuntao sounded annoyed which didn't surprise Ying. 

Her sister wasn't bothering with decency on words whenever she was annoyed with someone. Her words were so sharp, it can cut someone's flesh once her patience snapped. 

"Sister, if I didn't know you were studying medicine abroad, I would have assumed you went there to master how to insult someone." Li Xiuying commented. 

"You'll be surprised to know then how much I've learned from here, my dear sister. Anyway, if that abominable shit goblin that you called your husband really wanted to divorce you for that twat, then do so. I can't believe he trashed you for that kind of woman." The irritation on Li Chuntao's voice was apparent to Ying, "Is her twat made out of pure gold that he's willing to forget about you for it?" 

Li Xiuying's face flushed from her twin sister's words. She coughed in her hand, attempting to hide her embarrassment. 

"Sis! How can you say something like that?!" She would never understand why Chuntao ended up like this. She must be spending a lot of time talking with Shen Zichen that she started to pick up his witty comebacks and insults that could demean a person subjected to his ire. 

"Sorry. I forgot you aren't comfortable hearing such things. Anyway, are you going to divorce him? You better say yes, Ying or else…" Chuntao's voice was threatening her to comply. 

"There's nothing else I could do anyway. What's the point of staying on a marriage that has been infected with a pest? I cannot save my marriage." Li Xiuying replied dejectedly. 

She slumped on the floor and pulled the huge teddy bear from her bed and hugged it tightly in her arms. She dearly wished that Chuntao was there with her. No one understands her well except Chuntao. 

"Ying, why don't you move here with me? Once you clear up the mess in the company, I'll tell Uncle Yuren to let you stay with me until I finish my residency. It may take five to seven years for me to complete my residency in surgery but it should be enough time for you and your baby to start a new life without Mu Jianyu. I don't believe one bit that he'll let you off easily once the authorities seized him for embezzlement." 

Five to seven years were a long time. While she didn't have any problems speaking a foreign language, Li Xiuying wasn't accustomed to the different cultures and food. However, this was better than staying in the same place where Mu Jianyu and Lin Meirong was. 

"Are you sure it would be alright?" 

Moving to a new place which was totally different from what she accustomed to sounds frightening but with Chuntao being there, Li Xiuying didn't think it was a bad idea. 

"Of course, it's alright! How could I work in peace knowing you are alone without someone to look after you?" Li Chuntao chided her. Not only it would give Li Xiuying a chance to move on but it would also protect her and her baby from possible danger in the future.