Two Broken People (2)

It had been days since Li Xiuying's accident and Lin Meirong was dreading in anticipation of hearing the woman's inevitable death. Li Xiuying couldn't possibly survive in that accident. No, Lin Meirong refused to believe that the woman she loathed with all her heart would be able to survive. 

She paced around the room still in her silk sleepwear, biting her thumb nervously as she waited for the news of Li Xiuying's death to be announced on the television. It was big news when it happened and people had been on the edge waiting for the Li family's announcement about Li Xiuying's condition. 

Last time Lin Meirong heard, Li Xiuying and her companion were in a critical condition and she felt ecstatic with the news. She could almost see it, feel it. The freedom she could attain once Li Xiuying was out of her way.