Know Your Place (1)

A knock on the door made Li Chuntao lift her head to see who it was. She saw Hou Chen standing outside the door with a guarded expression in her face. Li Chuntao wasn't offended at all since she knew her sister's subordinates were more at ease with Ying than with her. 


"Miss Chuntao…"


She'd been away for too long and hadn't come home to know them well. Except for Su Ling whom she had met before migrating overseas, she wasn't familiar with Hou Chen and Song Zexi. 


"What is it?" She questioned before turning her attention to the financial reports saved in her sister's email account. 


"Young Master Shen is here. Should I bring him in here or would you like to meet him outside?" Hou Chen replied. Her tone was a little somber as she looked at Li Chuntao's face. She couldn't help but remember her deceased friend and felt bad about it.