Don’t Be Silly, Zichen (1)

One month later.

Li Chuntao had once again visited the orphanage but this time she came bringing only Su Ling with her. Mu Jianyu was quite busy preparing for her move into his apartment and reluctantly allowed her to go for a visit without him. 

She was sipping a warm tea inside the director's office at the orphanage, talking with Qin Linfeng. After receiving the report on his profile, Li Chuntao managed to learn that the man wasn't lying or hiding ill intent against her twin sister, Ying. In fact, he was one of her closest confidants when she was still alive. 

Li Chuntao didn't find it weird at all, considering that Qin Linfeng's personality was very good and friendly. The only flaw that she'd seen on him so far was him being disorganized, something she loathed with irritation.