Protect Her, Including From Yourself (2)

As soon as their family dinner ended, Shen Zichen went to the garden, sat on a bench, and lit up a cigarette while watching his youngest brother, Shen Lingtian play with Xiao Bai. 

Many years have passed and yet this white tiger owned by his mother didn't seem to age but only grew larger. As far as Shen Zichen knew, the lifespan of a regular tiger was between ten to fifteen years at max, it was rare for one to reach twenty-six years in the wild. 

"Xiao Bai, stop! Don't you dare lick me!" Shen Zichen heard his younger brother exclaim as he ran away from the huge white tiger who was following after him. He didn't blame Lingtian though, it's painful to be licked by a tiger because their tongues have small barbs on it, which helps them to scrape the fur and feathers of their prey.