The Beginning and the End (1)

Shen Zichen looked down at his daughter, and his heart felt like it was ready to burst at any moment, his legs wanted to give out. She was so tiny and delicate. He still couldn't believe that he and Li Chuntao made such a beautiful baby together. 

After her delivery, Li Chuntao was drained and exhausted. The moment her daughter's cry reached her ears, she couldn't stop her tears from flowing. Her baby was alive. Fate hadn't taken her like it did her older brother. 

The last time she gave birth to her stillbirth baby, Li Chuntao was ready to die along with him. Yet, now that she had Shen Zichen by her side, and hearing their daughter wailing out as loud as she can, she was reminded why she needed to continue living. 

"Wow, she looks like Sister Chuntao," Li Chuntao heard her brother-in-law, Shen Lingtian commented as they took their turns to see her baby. 

"She'll be a great beauty someday. Zi Gege should be prepared." Shen Yuyan snickered next to him.