There’s Nothing Keeping You Here (2)

Two weeks after Li Chuntao met Mu Jianyu and confessed everything about Ying's death and her pretense, her condition started to improve each day. She stopped groveling over her sister's death and paid more attention to her newborn baby. 

Shen Zichen was glad that the Li Chuntao he knew was starting to come back to them and hoped that it would be for the better. His wife had stopped having nightmares and was able to peacefully sleep through the night. 

He was relieved that every time he looked at her, Li Chuntao was healthier and happier. These days, especially whenever she was with their daughter, her smiles were genuine and at ease. They spoke only a little of what transpired during her conversation with Mu Jianyu, and Shen Zichen was fine with that, as long as his wife didn't dwell on Ying's death anymore. He was more than grateful that she chose to move on with him and Xiulin.