Even though she felt safe after the talk with Xiao yan she still wasn't so sure of him but for the moment she wanted to relax and stop thinking so much.As she walked through every room exploring it she then reach the kitchen and heard the maid talk.
"The women our master brought is the one the news is going wild about"The maid who had come earlier to her room said to an old maid.
"What about the news?"
"Nanny Zhang don't you know her family abandoned her saying she was caught doing drugs and that she is also prostitute.It even said she was probably rape after doing drugs.They clearly mentioned they don't have any connection with such a dirty women"
"Are you saying the truth"Nanny Zhang asked her.
"Yeah i really don't get what master sees in her"
"She must be one of his toy.You know how master played with girls all the time"
"But this is the first time he brought a girl home"
"Maybe she sold her body to him i guess"
"Yeah that must be right if i was her I'll rather die than be such a disgrace to the family"
The maid giggle while she stumbled back causing a vase to fall and Break.The maid quickly ran out and looked at the vase and gave wanmei a dirty look.
"Yah slut just because master brought you home.You dare throw a tantrum adding more works to us"She snapped.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to break it.I just got suprise after hearing you talk" Wanmei apologize sincerely while thr maid gave her an disbelief look.
"But what you told is it really true"She asked.
"Yeah if you don't believe it look here"The maid saw her the news where her photo of naked body covered by a blanket and some pack of cocaine.She recall that night where zhen shui asked her out for a romantic dinner.While dancing with him she had become dizzy after she did not recall anything but woke up in that same hotel room.She thought she lost her virginity to him but it was all an lie so from the very beginning everything they ever did was a plot against her.Even her own father was in the plan.How could she get more pathetic than this?How can they stoop so low just to hurt me?She tried to breath,but an invisible hand had found its way to her throat and was choking the air out of her.Backing away,she quickly ran to her room and locked the door.
Returning home Xiao yan was quite tired after a whole day of trying to control the news about her.It wad almost evening and time for dinner so he went to the dinning hall hoping to find wanmei but it was empty besides the food laid which was untouch and the maids looking uneasy.
"Where is she"he asked nanny
"She hasn't come out of her room since morning" nanny replied
He went to her room and knock on her door but there was no response.He knew something was wrong so he decided to find out the matter first.He asked all the workers to follow him to the living hall where he sat down and look at them coldly.
"Nanny Zhang did something happen while i was not there?" he enquired.
She was contemplating whether to answer or not.She felt pity for the maid while she couldn't let the young master down since instead of checking the footage he decided to asked her which mean he trusted her.So she decided what to do.
"Young master in the morning something happen in the kitchen while we were preparing food"
"Go on tell me I am listening"
"Xi an was telling me about what was going on the news about miss.We didn't knew she was listening until we heard the sound of vase breaking than Xian got angry and called her a slut who is throwing tantrum just because master brought her and the miss apologized while asking if the news was true and Xian show her the news and after seeing the news she ran into her room and hadn't come out since then"
His blood began to boil after he heard everything and Xiao yan looked at xian with such hatred and contempt that leave her so scared.She begged him for mercy but she thought he will just leave her after hurting wanmei than she was wrong he won't show any mercy to anyone who hurt her.
"Before you called her slut and made her apologize didn't you saw this coming and even if she wanted to break everything in this house who are you to get angry.She can do whatever she like and did not I pay you so you could do the household chores.Who do you think you are to shout at my wife?"
"young master please forgive me"
He didn't respond but told his men to take her to the dungeon.He then stood up and took a spare key and opened the door.He didn't saw her in the bed but heard the sound of running water.He quickly open the bathroom and saw wanmei curled up in bathtub with water running while aggressively rubbing her body with the scrubber.He stride forward and caught her hand.
"Wanmei you're so cold.Why are you doing this"he said with such gentleness that a tear escape her eyes.How could she say she found herself dirty?She just continued sobbing without giving any answer and when he let her hand go she started rubbing herself again.It was really painful but she believe that if she rubbed her body harder she might forget it but how much she rubbed her body her hatred only grew.As if understanding her pain he slowly lift her body and went straight toward the bed where he slowly removed her wet clothes leaving her only in her undergarments.Just seeing her like that made him hard but he told himself not today.Today he must make it special for her and help her forget all her pain.As he slowly bend down she got scared but her fear soon disappear as his lip kiss her ever so gently as if scared that she might break any moment.They kissed like lovers.Like people who had been separated by time and distance.She curled her armed around his neck.Her fingers went into his hair as she kissed him back.Then Xiao yan tucked her beneath him and storked without hurry from her shoulder,from her rib cage,past her waist and along her hip.
"Don't worry,"he murmured and kissed her again."l'll make you forget all your pain.Only i should occupy your mind"Another soft,sweet,lingering kiss.
It was delecious and tender and not the least bit threating.With reverence,he eased the strap down her arm,dislodging the cup so her breast thrust rounf and white,nipple turgid with wanton need.
Insecurities didn't have time to strike.He lowered his head and tongued lightly,cupped with warm hand,then with another groan of appreciation,opened his mouth in hot Branding,letting her get used to the delicate suction before pulling a little harder.
When he lifted his hand,she caught her breath in loss,opening her eyes.
He was watching her while his fingertip traced the edge of her knickers,then began draw them down her thighs.
The friction of lace against her sensitized skin made her shiver.As the coolness of the room struck her damp,eager flash,she became starkly aware and became needy.
He did things that were gorgeous and honeyed.She knew how her body worked,but she had never felt this turn on.Like that he kept his magical work making her forget everything.
....aftet some time....
As she lay sleeping on his arm he couldn't deny the feeling he tried to keep secret submerging.
Gosh,She will be the death of me.
He Caresse her face and planted a kiss on her cheek as he made a promise to himself that he will make every one who hurt her pay the price.