I think I'm the only one still counting how many people have left.

I guess to them, it is better to just imagine they were never there in the first place. It's better to ignore the new holes they have in their memories when each person is deleted.

But I disagree.

The only thing that even hints that they once existed here is the knowledge that they are gone and the holes in our memory where they should be. By refusing to recognize these things, aren't we practically killing them again? Aren't we refusing to acknowledge that the person ever lived at all?

That's why I'm keeping this log.

So that, when I'm finally among those I keep count of, somebody has proof that these people lived. That I lived. That we meant something to people, even if those people have no memory of us.

So, I keep this journal. I keep this journal and I write, knowing that anybody who reads this will never know what I am and how I lived. But also knowing that anybody who reads this will know I existed, will know who I am, without knowing my name, my gender, or my race.

And that is all that matters.