The deletion frequency is back to normal again.
Every day, several people are deleted from our very limited number. And every day, work gets harder without those people to help.
Sometimes I think that they were lucky to be deleted early on.
I'm not sure why we even try anymore. What's the point? We're all going to end up at the same place. Why suffer more before then?
Maybe I should get rid of this journal. It makes me think deeper than I ordinarily would. It makes me think of scary things.
Would it be better to die than be deleted?
Of course, they're very careful when putting us to work. We won't die from exhaustion, or from accidents. But maybe we could do it ourselves.
But would they simply delete us afterward? It could happen. There were too many ifs. In the first place, I wouldn't have the courage to do it anyways.
Such a scary thought. I should really stop thinking things through so much. If anything, I can just wait for my time to come.
My time to be deleted.