Meeting With Royalty (1)

"Mmm" Sylvie woke up with a yawn.

"Good morning sweetie." Laura's voice came from in front of her face as they shared the same bed.

"Good morning mom." She replied while rubbing her eyes.

"Today I will dress you up real nicely!" Laura said happily with a big smile on her face and two crescent shaped eyes.

"Eh? Why do you want to dress me up nicely today mom?" Sylvie asked confusedly as this was the first time her mom would dress her up really nicely.

"We're going to meet royalty today." Laura replied as she had 20 dresses to her right. When Sylvie saw this she immediately bolted off the bed and towards the day.

"Wind, if you would please." Laura said. After saying that Sylvie was then carried off by an invisible force as she flew closer towards Laura who was sitting on the bed while holding a dress.

"Mom, please think about this." Sylvie said as she tried to reason with her mother.

"Non non, here you go. I wonder if this light blue color would match you." Laura said as she undressed Sylvie and made her wear a light blue dress.

"Mm, you look great in anything actually. I guess white would suit you most." Laura said after sieving through all 20 dresses and finally deciding on a color to choose.

"Sylvie? Sylviee? Hello?" Laura asked while waving in front of a Sylvie who had dead fish eyes.


"Ah? Ha? What mom?" Sylvie said confusedly as she snapped out of her daze due to being used up as a dress doll.

"We're done picking out your dress. Let's go take a bath now sweetie." Laura said as she carried the still confused Sylvie out the room and into the bathroom.

"Mom, do I really have to go?" Sylvie asked her mother.

"Of course, we're going to meet the king and the princes. Don't you want to go meet them?" Laura replied to Sylvie as if it were obvious.

"Eh? No no no no no no no no." Sylvie instantly rejected as she shook her head left and right.

"Eh? You don't want to meet them?" Laura asked Sylvie after seeing her denying so quickly.

"Non! Aren't the princes going to fight for the throne in a couple of years? I don't want to be there or they could use me to build connections to our family to gain the throne." Sylvie explained as if though she were a mature adult who understood the world and not a child.

"Mmm, you're still going anyway as we cant reject a royal invitation anyway. Sorry sweetie." Laura shut down her feelings.

"Ah." Sylvie's voice leaked out as she hung her head with a sad and gloomy aura.

'This is obviously a flag god damn it.' Sylvie thought to herself, as she who was a NEET and an otaku has read multiple manga and novels and has also watched a lot of anime.

"Now now, let us go!" Laura said as she carried Sylvie and walked out the door when she finished dressing her up after the bath.

"Nyuu!" Sylvie said as she struggled to get out of her mothers grasp. Even though knowing it was all useless as her mother's stats were too inhuman...

"Nyon, don't struggle sweetie. I'll play cat with you later when we're back from the castle. Fufufufu~ I'll enjoy you..." Laura said with a creepy laugh at the end.

With goosebumps and a chill going down her back Sylvie instantly shouted for help, "SOMEBODY SAVE MEEEEE!"


"Mum, I don't like carriages." Sylvie said as both mother and daughter pair were sitting in a carriage to go to the castle.

"You can't run that fast, nor do you have enough stamina to run to the castle. Your clothing will also be messed up so will your hair after running anyway." Laura said while hugging the pained Sylvie who was not used to riding carriages.

'I swear I am going to learn how to ride horses... Hopefully they aren't as bad as riding a carriage." Sylvie thought to herself.

"Miss, we are at our destination." A man's voice rang out from outside the carriage as it stopped.

"Alright, thank you!" Laura said as she exited.

"Tank chu." Sylvie said as she followed Laura.

[Author: She literally will tank chu chu you.]

"Awa, so big!" Sylvie exclaimed as she looked at the castle which basically resembled half of a sky scraper and the width of two mansions back in her modern age.

"I know right? This is where our king stays, this is also where our castle is for our Arkite Autarchy." Laura said as she picked Sylvie up with one arm and pointed at the top of the castle where a flag rested on top.

"And that, is our pride." Laura finally added as she entered through the gates where two guards saluted her


Somewhere in the castle in a room filled with documents and paperwork along with various exotic

and ancient treasures.

"Father, I heard Mrs. Laura is coming to visit again, this time with her daughter thats 2 years younger than me. Is that true?" A young kid asked the man who sat behind a desk with a tired expression on his face.

"That is indeed true. Don't cause trouble for them though. Laura does a lot of work for me, otherwise you wouldn't be talking to me right now since I would be collapsed." The man replied. The man who replied is the current king of the Arkite Autarchy after King Arthur died, Auther the second is his name.

[Author: I swear I did not choose this name because I couldn't think of one...]

"Can I at least be friends with her though?" The young prince asked the king.

"Of course, if you can be friends with her and if she's as smart as her mother it may make it easier on my own life when she grows older to help with these paper works. Sheesh so many." The king replied while looking at a document.

"Alright! I heard shes super cute too!" The young prince exclaimed happily.

"Eh what? Take me to her right now." The king said as he threw the paper in his hands away and lost his tired look and had a serious expression as he wore his cloak.


Sylvie : Y-you're joking right? This flag... The king's a pedophile isn't he!



Plutia : no its not shaddap

Author : I second what Plutia said

Sylvie : I triple that

King: biasity
