Foolish Prince Exiled

(Laura + King POV)

"So what did you think of my daughter?" Laura asked King Arthur II as she took a sip of the tea that was in her tea cup.

"Her mentality is better than those at her age. It is like shes a teenager and not a baby. She will grow up to be a prodigy eh? Like mother and father that daughter shall become." The king said as he sat down lazily on his chair.

"She is special you know." Laura giggled a bit as she recalled how the goddess Plutia had 'blessed' her (of course with animal love which she doesn't know about.) and given her a name.

"Anyway, so do you have any intentions of betrothing your daughter to my son?" King Arthur II resolved himself and asked her.

"Hey Arthur, do you really think I was joking? Hmm?" Laura suddenly turned into a reincarnate of Asura at the moment the king mentioned betrothal.

Seeing this the king immediately jumped out of his chair and knowtowed (I don't even know if I spelled that right honestly.)

"It was a joke! I didn't mean it honestly! That brat shouldn't deserve to be bethrothed to her!" King Arthur II immediately came up with excuses.

"Mhmm, that's much better. I sensed something strange on your son though..." Laura said to him as she was thinking.

"What did you sense?" King Arthur II got back up onto his chair and sat while questioning her.

"I sensed something like that of ill will, she might be in trou-" Laura suddenly stopped speaking as she realized her weak barrier was pierced through. Her eyes turned furious at the notice of that, as her daughter is harmed.

"Seems, like someone dares to hurt my daughter. I am heading out." Laura said to the King as she used wind magic to help boost her speed towards the Royal Garden where she last sensed Sylvie. (What kinda power is this wtf. Some motherly Power eh?)

"Wait Laura! What could possibly happen to her in this castle?!" King Arthur II said as he followed her from behind using a body enhancement skill on his legs.

"Many things could happen in your castle! For example your son could attack my daughter! He's the only one now that I think about it! He was having ill will towards her! No wonder I sensed something off about him!" Laura screamed at him as she flew towards the entrance of the Royal Garden at the speed of sound.

"Go slower damn it Laura!" The King screamed as his body enhancement skill could do so much compared to someone who was using wind magic to fly them that probably took like 5000MP a second.


(Back to the Prince)

"Die!" He shouted as he swung the sword downward towards a cat who jumped at him.

The cat who saw this immediately dodged by twisting its body.

"You dare dodge this prince!" He shouted with bloodshot eyes as he swung the sword once more horizontally after pulling it out of the ground.

"Nya!" The cat said as it flipped over and landed on the blade before jumped in front of him to give him a nice scratch on his cheek.

"GAAAAAAAAH!" The prince screamed as he stumbled backwards holding his left cheek which had a bloody gash on it from the cat.

"You damn insolent little pest!" The prince shouted as he was fully irritated and swung his sword down on the cat who scratched him. The blade was going to slice him at any rate, however it stopped.


There was a barrier formed around the cat, from where came the voice of Laura.

"You dare!" Laura's voice sharply said as she saw her unconscious two year old baby daughter on the ground. After seeing this her killing intent further rose as she looked at the four year old prince who had gave her daughter pain.

"Laura stop!" The king shouted as he finally reached the Royal Garden, where he saw his son holding a sword and the unconscious two year old Sylvie.

"Son explain!" He yelled at the prince as he realized if Laura got mad, it wasn't a matter of if he would live, it was a matter of if she wouldn't massacre the entire castle.

The prince who didn't expect to be caught red handed with assault by his own father and the victim's mother. Knowing that he couldn't escape his fate he quickly made his way to the unconscious Sylvie and used her as hostage as he rested a blade on her neck.

"Step any closer and she will die!" The prince yelled at the two as there were traces of blood flowing onto his sword from Sylvie's neck.

Seeing this Laura became even angrier as she silently constructed a magic spell consisting of wind as it was invisible to knock the prince out.

"Son! How dare you do that! No wait you can't even be considered a son! You're scum!" King Arthur II berated his son as he realized that his pampering had brought his son to be so low that he would even dare to kill a two year old baby girl.

"HMPH! I should be the crown prince, not my eldest brother Paris! Just because he was born first he shall inherit king?! Many girls want me to sleep with them in bed, but this insolent little girl here doesn't even care about me!" The prince vented as he pressed the blade even more towards Sylvie's neck which caused more blood to come out.

"He shall be crown prince because you're like this! A scum like you does not deserve to be a king of any country! From now on you shall be exiled!" King Arthur II said as he saw Laura's magic spell ready.

"You say what now! How dare you!" The prince screamed back at his own father, however doing that it caused his blade to move a bit farther away from Sylvie's neck as his rage wanted him to bring his own sword to slice down his father.

This moment caused an opportunity for Laura to finally used her wind bullets to attack the damn prince on the back of his neck rendering him unconscious.

As the fragile two year old unconscious girl slowly fell Laura swiftly rushed to her and caught her in a baby carry while giving the king a glare to clean up the mess before going into one of the private rooms to lay Sylvie on the bed to recuperate.


Sylvie : fk me I get no dialogue this chap?

Author : I am not gonna let no unconscious character talk wtf.

Sylvie : How come I was unconscious for the entire chapter!

Author : You want to be unconscious for 2 seconds wtf?

Sylvie : YEAH!

Author : nah that makes no sense to readers so nty

Sylvie : U B******

Author : HEHEH
