Relaxing Chapter

"Floof!!!!! Wa~~~~ So satisfying~~" Sylvie said as her hands felt the soft ears of Ria. Or so she thought.

"Sylvie sweetie, wake up. It is morning. You've been sleeping since the afternoon yesterday. Don't sleep for too long, nor too short. It is time to wake up~" Laura said as she nudged Sylvie gently in an attempt to stir her awake.

"Nyon! Ria why are you running away now!" Sylvie screamed as she hugged her pillow even tighter as if she wanted to strangle it to death.

"..." 'Stop killing me please owner.' The pillow thought to itself.

"Sylvie it's time to wake up." Laura said as she nudged Sylvie with a bit more power this time.

"Ria don't leave me! Awa!" Sylvie screamed as she woke up.

"Oh a dream with a nightmare huh… That was scary, I thought Ria was going to leave me for good sob sob." Sylvie said as she drearily opened her eyelids.

"Mother?" Sylvie said as she made out the figure of her mother.

"Hello there, good morning sweetie. You were asleep for so long I thought I could never wake you up again." Laura said while giving Sylvie a smile.

"Sorry mother! Wait, you said morning? I was asleep to now ever since from the carriage ride back home?" Sylvie exclaimed as she realized how long she was asleep for.

"Mhm, you kept saying floof floof every now and then in your sleep. You also need to control your drool when you sleep you know." Laura said as she got another napkin from her dimensional storage and wiped off Sylvie's drool that was leaving her mouth.

"awa, I will keep that in mind mother." Sylvie said to her mother before getting off the bed.

"Alright sweetie, make sure to brush your teeth and wash your face cleanly before coming down to eat breakfast." Laura said as she went out the door of Sylvie's room and down into the kitchen.

"Alright mother!" Sylvie said as she changed out of her nightgown and into a light blue dress that went down to her ankles.

*gurgle gurgle* *sfx for you know… Unless you don't brush your teeth or anything like that or never tried gurgling a fluid...*

"Ptui." ← sfx for spitting btw if you guys didn't know.

"grr, hair why are you so messed up. Hair I will literally eat you if you don't get out of the messy state you're in right now." Sylvie growled as she bared her small teeth at her long hair that reached down to her waist, which was all tangled up and was messy.

"..." 'FIX IT I DONT HAVE ARMS NOR CAN I USE MAGIC WTFFF LADY' The hair thought to itself as it listened to its owner rant.

"Ha… Why don't you listen to me. Sob sob. I have to comb my hair myself…" Sylvie said with a depressed expression as she picked up a comb within a drawer and started to comb her bed head hair.

"Done! And perfect! Let me just put on the butterfly hair pin before I head downstairs in the case of anything that could possibly happen to me. There is no way something is obviously going to happen to me…" Sylvie said as if jinxing herself in the near future before she went downstairs to the dining room to eat breakfast.

"Mother! I am all done!" Sylvie said as she reached the bottom of the stairs and toddled over to the table where her mother, Laura was placing places on three seats. One for her, one for herself, and one for Claude.


"Good morning hun." Claude said to Laura as he walked inside the house.

"Good morning dear. Ah clean before you eat what are you doing!" Laura scolded Claude who was about to eat the food on his plate that Laura served for him without cleaning his hands and face.

"I am hungry though! Ah this smells nice. Let me just eat this, aaaah~" Claude said as he brought the food slowly onto his mouth with a spoon.

"I WARNED YOU!" Laura said as she bolted towards Claude using wind magic as her acceleration pad and headbutted him in the stomach.

"BFUGUUUU!" Claude groaned as he was sent flying by the headbutt from Laura.

"Why! I just wanted to eat!" Claude said with a crying expression.

"Hurry up and go clean, bad manners. Sylvie is waiting anyway." Laura said with a angry expression on her face.

"... Yes ma'am…" Claude said before getting up to go to the bathroom.


After a few minutes passed.

"Alright, I am all ready to eat!" Claude said as he leaved the bathroom.

"Hello papa." Sylvie said while sitting in a chair that was lifted up for her to be able to reach the table.

"Hello sweetie. Sorry for making you wait. Now we can eat together." Claude said as he gave Sylvie a smile, in which she replied with a smile back.

"Well then, let's eat our meal!" Laura said.

"Itadakimasu!" The three of them said before digging into their meals.


"Tch, where is that slvt. I've searched the entire common districts yet I can't find her." Yinara muttered as she and five knights were traveling through the town in the morning.

"Once I find you, I will kill you. So you better hide for as long as you can." Yinara said with a murderous glim in her eyes.

"Um, miss Yinara. What does the woman even look like first of all?" A knight asked the daughter of the person who he served under.

"Ah that's right… You guys don't even know what she looks like. Well she looks like this, she has pale pink hair goes straight down as it reaches to her waist. Her bangs are short but can cover half of her eyes at times. She has an oval face, a rounded jaw, hollow cheeks, and small ears And her almond-shaped, alert eyes are pale pink. Her nose is stubby and she has puffy lips." Yinara said as she continued walking down the town.

'That was too much, and too fast…' The five knights thought inside their head as they followed her.


Laura : didn't you just copy and paste my entire description from like chapter 2?

Author : Hmm? Yeah and so?

Laura : Won't people call you lazy for that?

Author : Don't they already?

Laura : like who?

Sylvie : Dang you're so lazy

Author : Like her

Laura : …


Author : never
