Future Hero Party Assembled?!

'Hey… Isn't this teacher in front of me sneakily looking at me too much… I can tell due to my bird's eye magic perception you know…' Sylvie thought in her mind, but was afraid to say it out loud so she kept silent as she followed the teachers.

'Say haven't we walked past this area like a quadrillion times?' Sylvie thought to herself as she stopped walking and stood still.

"Hey, move out of the way. Don't stand there and block our way. If you want to pass the exam just follow the teacher, if not just go back home." A guy older than her said as he pushed her aside and continued following the teachers.

'Seems like she realized it…' The teacher thought as she continued to make the students lap the area a trillion times.

Of course Sylvie did not want to help anybody, as she didn't want many non common sense people to pass either so she hid herself.

'Oh? Looks like she won't be ruining the test. Makes it easier for us to narrow down the student's.' The teacher thought as she looked at Sylvie who was hidden in a tree.

'What the heck! How did she know where I am! Does she have hawk vision or a dog's nose?!' Sylvie thought to herself as she saw the lead teacher sneakily looking at her.

'Appraisal!' Sylvie said while looking at the teacher.

'Appraisal rejected.' A voice rang inside her head.

'What the heck!? Just what kind of overpowered author put her in this story?! What do you mean appraisal rejected!? I've never heard of such a thing!' Sylvie thought to herself as her she repeated appraisal rejected in her heart.

'It doesn't look like any of the other teachers notice that I am here though…' Sylvie thought as she looked at the other teachers who were just paying attention to the students.

'Oh? Another student found out aside from that little girl?' The teacher said as she realized a student had stopped moving and started looking around the surroundings as other students continued walking with intense muscle pains.

"Ughhhh, is this the physical examination or knowledge examination?!" A male said as his legs felt like jello.

"I don't know! Just keep following! Maybe we are already there!" Another male student said.

"I-I feel like we've been walking around in circles… I swear!" A little girl said weakly.

"Shut up! Why would the teachers make us walk around in circles! We would be wasting time by doing that!" The male student said as he pushed her back and continued walking.

"Fine! Then I will stop here! Goodbye!" She said as she walked back towards the male student who was still standing still as he looked at the surrounding area.

"Hello there, what is your name?" The little girl asked the male student.

"My name is Lance, what is yours?" The male student asked the little girl as he continued to look around the area.

"My name is Elise, did you find out that we were walking in circles as well?" The little girl asked as she saw the Lance still looking around.

"Hey, little girl that found out that we were in circles first, come out." Lance said raising his voice up a bit incase Sylvie wasn't as close to them as she appeared.

"Up here!" Sylvie replied as she poked her head through the tree leaves.

"So you were over there the entire time." Lance said as he walked over to her tree and jumped onto it.

"How'd you realize we were walking in circles so quickly?" Elise said as she jumped onto the tree as well.

'Oh? These two both jumped onto this tall tree like it was nothing. And they are smart, maybe some important characters like the brave's in the novels?' Sylvie thought to herself.

"You see that tree right there? The one with the tree scratches on it that looks like a bear scratched it? It looked the same so I figured it out eventually." Sylvie said as she pointed at a tree as she looked at Elise.

"You must've heard our names, so what is yours?" Lance asked her.

"My name is Sylvie, you don't need to know my family name." Sylvie said as she waved her hand.

"Agreed." Elise said.

"Nnh." Lance nodded as he didn't want to reveal his family name either.

"When do you think the teachers will finally make them stop walking in circles?" Sylvie asked the two quietly as she watched the student's walk past them once more, however this time two more students stopped at the place where Lance had stopped and started looking around as they watched the other students continue walking.

"Soon probably, looks like two more people found out." Lance said as he looked at the two students that were doing the same as him earlier.

"Hey you two up here!" Elise said as she poked her head out of the tree leaves once she saw the student's disappear after walking for a while.

The two student's once again one male and one female looked at Elise before walking over to them. However they didn't jump this time but crawled up and seemed very exhausted after climbing.

"Um, are you two okay?" Sylvie asked as she saw how roughly they were breathing.

"I am okay…" The both of them said as they looked at the tree people who found out the trick before them.

"My name is Elise, his name is Lance, and her name is Sylvie. What are yours?" Elise asked as she introduced Lance and Sylvie to them.

"My name is Maria." A little girl with a bit of a developed chest said.

"My name is Sam." The male said with his big body that a kid normally shouldn't have.

"By the way I am a magician what are you four?" Sylvie asked as she realized five is usually the amount for a party in the novels.

"I am a swordsman/attacker." Lance said as he broke a small branch and swung it.

"I am a healer." Maria said.

"I am a tank, I use the shield and due to my big body I can take a lot of damage." Sam said.

"I am a hunter and also a scout. I also know how to disarm traps." Elise said as she pretended to fire an arrow out of an imaginary bow.

"Well then, it looks like the five of us have the basic needs for everything. You all want to work together once we all get accepted into the academy?" Sylvie asked the four of them.

"Sure! I have no problem with that." The four of them said as they realized the combinations they had were actually really good.

"Alright, let's wait then." Sylvie said as she looked at the students and teachers who had stopped and the female teacher in lead started to beckon Sylvie and the others to come over.


Sylvie : We got the hero party aye!

Sam : Are we really heroes though?

Maria : Can I get some food?

Elise : Er… Why are you asking for food?

Maria : Because I am hungry. why?

Elise : *looks at Maria's a bit developed chest and back to hers.*

Maria : What is it?

Elise : *tears well up in eyes* THIS IS UNFAIR! *runs away*

Maria : e-eh? Elise!? Elise come back!

Lance : ....... I don't think any of us can catch up to a scout in speed.

Sylvie : fair enough, she'll return eventually.

Maria : Yeah.
