Magical Examination Start!

"Alright! You student's have done your first examination, and hopefully you did well on it. You now have two more tests to go! Knowledge examination goes to Magical Examinations, which goes to Physical Examinations, which goes to Knowledge Examinations." Principal Wayne said as he looked at all the students that came back from taking their first examination.

"Go to the exam you are supposed to take right now! You only have five minutes!" Principal Wayne said once more as he got off stage to disappear somewhere.

"Alright, let's go guys! Onwards to the magical examinations!" Sylvie said as she happily skipped

"Oui!" The others said happily excluding Sam who said "Oui…" in a said tone. One can see that he was beat up badly due to bruises all over his face.

'What the heck happened to that big guys face? Didn't he just do knowledge exam? Why is he so bruised…' The other kids from other examination tests thought to themselves as they looked at Sam.

'I feel bad for the guy… Though it's not bad to get beat up by three girls I guess especially the really busty one and the really cute one.' The kids from the knowledge exam thought to themselves.

"Alright, so you will be taking the magical examinations now. Come follow me to our stadium or arena which ever you would like to call it. We will be using magic there." A old man with long white hair and a white moustache and a long white beard said.

After the old man who looked like Gandolf from from Sylvie's past life turned around to lead the kids, the kids also followed him without hesitation unlike the time when they hesitated to follow Aria to the knowledge examinations.

However, this time was different. The students looked at every single hints and clues they could get incase they fell into a trap again, and ended up walking in circles.

After walking for a few minutes did they finally reach the entrance of the stadium.

"T-there was no trap?!" Someone said softly.

"Why did I spend so much mental energy looking incase we were walking in circles again…" Someone else said.

"Eh? What are you guys talking about? Why would I make you walk in circles?" Mr look-a-like Gandolf said as he looked at the kids confusedly.

"A-ah nothing! We aren't talking about anything!" The kids replied excluding the five that already knew there were no traps because they explored the building beforehand and knew where the stadium lied. Excluding Sylvie who just utilized a bit of her birds eye view magic to see if she was walking in circles or not.

"Is that so, now enter the stadium." Mr Look-a-like Gandolf self as he pointed as wand towards the entrance.

Sylvie and her party of course were in front so they walked to the entrance first. However, to everyones surprise only Sylvie and Maria got into the stadium while Lance, Elise, and Sam were blocked by an invisible barrier and repelled backwards on their bottom.

"O-ouch!" Elise said as she got up.

"Why is today so awful? Why do I keep getting damaged?" Sam muttered to himself.

"A magic barrier?" Lance muttered to himself as he stood up and tried entering again this time applying magic on himself secretly this time. To his surprise he actually walked in this time.

"Oh… I think I got it!" Elise said as she did the same thing Lance did.

"What the hell did you guys do! Tell me!" Sam shouted as he looked at the four on the other side except for him.

"Just apply magic on yourself you fool." Sylvie said as she looked at him, however it was to no avail.

"I can't hear you! Speak louder!" Sam said.

"I said apply magic on yourself you fool!" Sylvie repeated.

"I really can't hear you!" Sam cried out.

"Oh, probably some one way soundproof magic barrier." Sylvie said as she just turned around and found a place to take a nap at again. However there was nothing so she just simply used earth magic to make something for her to lay on, presumably a desk again as a bed would probably hurt her back.

"Go on, we don't have all day. If you can't get in this stadium it'll be 10 points off." Mr look-a-like Gandolf said as he gestured for the students to try to enter the stadium.

"Damn it! Let me in! I want to be with my future party too! Don't do this to me!!!!" Sam said as he ran full speed into the barrier which got him repelled even further back accidentally colliding into someone.

"Ouch!" The kid who he hit yelped.

"Sorry!" Sam said to the kid as he ran full blast towards the barrier once again to get repelled once more.

"Ha~ These kids are really awful except for those four huh?" Mr look-a-like Gandolf said as he looked at the female teacher besides him.

"Mhm, by the way I call dibs on that little girl sleeping over there. If she ever passes the exams, Puma." The female teacher said as she kept herself calm from dressing Sylvie up. Yes, the female teacher is someone who likes cute stuff, and likes to put cosplays onto cute girls.

"Trista, didn't you scare your other student with your cosplays last time? She was so scared she asked me for a transfer every day." Puma said as he looked at the female teacher.

"That just means her mental strength isn't strong enough, hmph." Trista said as she completely removed the female student she had last year from her memory.

"Well then, time is over! You all get -10 points off from the exam. We shall proceed into casting speed and magic utilization and casting now." Puma said as he removed the barrier and allowed everyone to walk into the stadium.

"Damn it! I get 10 points off!? That is so bs! Why only me and not one of those four!" Sam cried out as he entered the stadium.

"It's because you're stupid…" Lance and Elise muttered to themselves as they looked at Sam.


Sam : Why am I so stupid?!

Author : I don't know


Author : PFFT no, your mother and your father created you smart one


Author : You sure are unfilial to think I created you and not your parents. I am going to go tell your mother about this now.


Author : too late!

