Meeting At The Academy For Results

"Nnh…" Sylvie said as she woke up.

"Where am I…?" Sylvie said as she saw a ceiling that was obviously not hers.

"Go back to sleep dear. It is late, don't forget you need to wake up tomorrow to go check your results." A voice she has heard before rang in beside her.

"Oh alright…" Sylvie said as she closed her eyes. However, a few seconds in after closing her eyes she suddenly opened up her eyes and got off the bed rapidly.

"WAIT! THIS ISN'T MY HOUSE! WHY AM I HERE!" Sylvie shouted as she looked at the person on the bed that was besides her.

"You're here because your mother sold you to me." The female teacher smiled as she patted the bed indicating for her to come lay down on the bed again.

"What do you mean! She would never sell me! Especially to someone like you!" Sylvie said as she really did not want to be near this perverted woman.

"We and your mother had a talk, look she even signed a contract with me right here." The female teacher said as she handed Sylvie a paper.

[You shall pledge to keep Sylvie safe at all times. You shall send me pictures and video recordings of Sylvie when you dress her. I shall give you money for taking care of her and the pictures and videos.

Signed : Laura Martel - Signed Maurice Loshtik]

Is what the paper wrote.

"This does not look like a contract at all." Sylvie said as she threw the piece of paper away.

"Oh it's true. Look." Ms. Maurice said as she picked up a stone and injected mp into it. A screen or one would say a hologram appeared above it. There appeared Laura, Sylvie's mother.

"Hello there sweetie! I know that you may miss being with us but, you should be with this teacher from now on~ She's female and not married so I can feel safe~ Please be on your best behavior alright? Bye bye now~" Laura said before the stone suddenly lost its color and the video disappeared.

"..." Sylvie said before her eyes rolled back and fainted.

"I guess that's one way to make her go back to sleep?" Ms. Maurice said as she was shocked how Sylvie suddenly fainted just from a video recording.

"Oh well then, she'll pass anyway as discussed by the other teachers." Ms. Maurice said as she carried Sylvie back into the bed before sleeping beside her.


"Ugh…" Sylvie woke up the next morning.

"What a bad nightmare I had last night… Thank god it was only a nightmare, should that have been real I would've actually been dead." Sylvie muttered to herself while holding her head.

"What nightmare did you have last night?" A sudden voice came from beside her.

"KYAAAAAAA!" Sylvie immediately shrieked as she fell off the bed and looked at Ms. Maurice who was on the bed.

"Good morning Sylvie. Go wash your face, here's the clothes you will be wearing for today. You won't be assigned a dorm room in the school until a month of school has passed. The bath room is to the left once you exit this room by the way." Ms. Maurice said as she handed Sylvie a gothic frilly skirt that was filled with laces that went down to just below her knees.

"... Do I really have to wear this? Can't I just wear my school uniform?" Sylvie asked her weakly as she did not want to go outside wearing the gothic skirt.

"No, I will not allow that. You know what, since you said that. I will personally dress you up." Ms. Maurice said as she picked suddenly carried Sylvie and sprinted to the bathroom.

"Wait no!" Sylvie screamed to no avail as she was immediately stripped, bathed, and then was wearing the gothic frilly skirt with multiple laces.

"Alright, have some breakfast." Ms. Maurice said as she cooked some eggs and got some bread.

"..." Sylvie said as she looked at the food and back to Ms. Maurice.

"What? Is it not enough? Do you want more sweetie? I mean you do need more to grow after all." Ms. Maurice said as she was about to make more.

"No need! This is enough!" Sylvie immediately stopped her and started to eat her meal.

After the both of them finished eating it was already time for the results to be out at the academy. So the two got on a carriage together and rode all the way to the academy. It was pretty close actually, closer than where the Martel's family mansion was to the academy.

After getting off Sylvie also saw Elise, Lance, Maria, and Sam who had also just gotten to the academy at the same time, as they all boarded off their carriage at the same time and saw eachother.

"Sylvie! What are you wearing!" Elise said as she froze and looked at Sylvie's gothic frilly skirt with laces. If Elise was holding something, it would most likely fall out of her hands.

"I approve! It's cute on you Sylvie!" Maria said as she jogged over for a hug.

"You look cute." Lance said as he looked at her and then looked away and turned to look at his father.

"If I say anything I'll probably die again." Sam muttered to himself as he didn't want to say anything.

"Grandmother, here are my friends." Maria said as she brought her grandmother out of the carriage.

"Father, these are my friends." Lance also said as he introduced everyone.

"Father and little sister. These are my friends." Sam said.

"Mother, Father these are my friends." Elise said as she lead the two to the group that was consisted of the kids and the adults.

The adults started to converse to each other, all of them were secretly giving looks at Sylvie though, as everyone had talked about how monstrous she was. Contrary to her appearance, they were really doubting how a cute girl like her who was on the verge of tears due to wearing a gothic frilly skirt with laces had such monstrous power as stated.

"Shouldn't we go check our results now?" Sylvie said weakly as she really didn't like the stares.

"You're right. I'd like to see how this kid did." Sam's father said as he looked at Sam.

"Hii! That's right let's go!" Sam said immediately and ran.

"Alright. Let's go everyone." Lance's father said as he followed Sam's lead.



Plutia : pray more


Plutia : ok

Sam's father : …

Ria : Wait if that works… PLEASE DONT LET ME GET FLOOFED AGAIN!!

Plutia : pray more


Plutia : An error has occurred… Sorry, can't help you.



