Sam is an Idiot!

"Take this! Earth Creation : Hamme-" Sam said as he started to release his magic on her until he was stopped.

"Hup!" Sam's father said as he slapped his son's head causing his son to be on the floor paralyzed.

"Gah! Why father! That hurts a lot!" Sam cried out as his head hurt so much that it gave him dizziness and nausea.

"You were going to use magic in this restaurant. Do you want us to be kicked out or something you idiot of a son! Why can't you be like your little sister Pia?" Sam's father scolded him in front of everybody.

However, due to this Yinara was given time to breathe as she immediately ran out of the room before anything bad could happen to her.

"Ah she ran!" Sylvie immediately said the moment she saw Yinara out of the corner of her eye immediately bolt out the room and out of the restaurant back to her own home. This caused many eyes to be on Yinara as they wondered what happened, it also caused a bit of damage to the reputation of the Darkmore's household.

"That was pretty saddening wasn't it?" Elise's mother said as she stroked Sylvie's head and gently carried her to sit on her lap.

"How is it saddening? It was boring." Sylvie replied as she went back to slowly eating her parfait while sitting on Elise's mother's lap.

"Is that how it is to young ones?" Elise's mother muttered to herself as she stroked Sylvie's head.

"Maria please help me." Sam said while still being on the floor.

"What do you need help with Sam?" Maria asked him as she was eating her salad.

"Can you heal me?" Sam asked her.

"I am in a lot of pain right now." He added.

"I think you'll be okay. Your father only hit you after all. There was no magic I saw being used." Maria said as she took another bite at her salad.

"True to what my granddaughter has said. You are a man, you must man up. Just take the pain. Back in my day I got stabbed through the chest. And I survived the pain until I learned how to use healing magic." Maria's grandmother said as she reminisced about the past.

"I don't want to be a man. Can you heal me already? I feel like I will die any time soon." Sam said even louder this time.

"Shush young one, you are bringing shame to your family. You must be strong, from our family even if we get hurt we will still fight on. You being so weak right now, makes you look like a sheep getting ready to be slaughtered." Lance's father said as he finished the fish he was eating.

"You don't want to be female either. If you cant even take that much pain. How will you endure having periods and giving birth? Don't even use us as an excuse." Elise's mother said as she rested her chin onto Sylvie's head.

"Awa. It hurts auntie." Sylvie said as she did not like the pressure that was on her head right now.

"Endure it, show that little boy how to be strong~" Elise's mother said as she continued resting on Sylvie's head.

"Mou~ Fine…" Sylvie said as she went back to eating her parfait.

"T-that doesn't count!" Sam cried out as he looked at Sylvie.

"How does it not count? It is still pain, is it not?" Elise's mother argued back.

"W-what! Why do I suffer more injustice!" Sam cried out.

"Because you're an idiot of a son." Sam's father said as he finished his turkey leg.

"Yeah big brother. You may want to find a doctor to make you smarter." Pia said as she finished eating her cake.

"There is no such thing!" Sam cried out.

"Exactly. So you better find a way to not be an idiot." Pia said as she got off her seat and lightly jogged over to Elise and Sylvie.

"There is no way!" Sam cried once again.

"THERE IS! IT'S CALLED STUDY!" Pia shouted as she remembered every time she tried to help Sam study, he never did thus wasting her time.

"What's study?" Sylvie said as she looked up from her parfait and at Pia.

"... You- I won't even bother talking to you. You aren't even human logically." Pia said as she immediately controlled herself before she started to lash out words at Sylvie.

"Hey that's rude! I am human too!" Sylvie said as she furrowed her brows as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Logically you're not. Which 6 year old is as smart and strong as you? You even got 100% on the exam! Like no one has ever done that before! Aside from the princes and princesses! But those are special cases!" Pia said.

"Alright no more arguing you two. I think it's time we head back to our homes now. You need to sleep to be ready for the first day of school tomorrow." Maria's grandmother said as she got off her seat.

"She is indeed correct. It is already the afternoon. I have many paperwork to be done back at home." Sam's father said as he got off his chair and took out his wallet that was inside a small leather bag. Presumably a storage bag as the size of the wallet was indeed bigger than the leather bag.

Due to many not being able to use the storage spell, storage bags and rings are a thing. However, a storage ring is almost like a legendary item as it can store many items compared to a bag. Storage bags are more of just a rare item as it can store little but is still a storage in the end.

"Alright! Let's leave!" Elise's father said as he got up from his seat.

"It's been an honor to eat with all of you. Farewell." Lance's father said as he and Lance bowed to the others before leaving first.

"Alright little Sylvie, where do you live?" Maria's grandmother asked her.

"Currently at a female teacher's house… I don't wanna go there. Please don't take me there." Sylvie pleaded to Maria's grandmother as they boarded the carriage after saying goodbye to everyone.

"Alright, you can sleep in our house tonight with Maria." Maria's grandmother said as she patted Sylvie.

"Thank you!" Sylvie said as she hugged Maria's grandmother.

"You welcome!"


Female Teacher : That's odd. Where's that little girl?

Female Teacher : She couldn't have possibly been kidnapped right?

Sylvie : ACHOO

Female Teacher : I feel it, she's in someones house. It's not a kidnappers place though.


Maria : are you okay?

Sylvie : I think I got a cold or something, sorry.

Maria : oh it's alright. Let me just cure you a bit. Cure! You should be better now.

Female Teacher : Oh well, I'll find her at school tomorrow and forcefully bring her home


Maria : ….

Sylvie : Hic wuwuwuwu I think someone wants to harm me

Maria : There there, it'll be okay lets go to sleep

Sylvie : wuwuwuwuwuwuwu
