School Schedule!

"Maria, I've been wondering. Why is the academy as big as the castle?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the academy from a few miles away as the carriage was still driving towards it.

"Now that I think about it, I don't know either? Probably to hold all the students in or something?" Maria said with question herself.

"Mm… Possibly… By the way do you know what your schedule is Maria?" Sylvie asked once again.

"I heard we'll be getting our schedules by one of the seniors once we enter the academy." Maria replied to Sylvie.

"Alright, hopefully it's that easy." Sylvie muttered.

After a couple of minutes had passed did the two finally reach the gates of the academy and entered.

"Now now~ Where are our schedules~" Maria said as she got off the carriage and helped Sylvie off.

"I think our schedules are over there because there's a lot of people there." Sylvie pointed out as she saw two teenage males standing behind a table and were handing out papers.

"Alright! Let's head over there then." Maria said as she held onto Sylvie's hand so they wouldn't get separated and walked over to the two males.

"Hello there." One of the males said as they looked at Maria and Sylvie.

"Hello!" Maria said with a smile on her face in contrast to Sylvie who only gave the guy a nod of her head and continued to stand behind Maria.

"What are your two's name?" He asked with his pretty handsome face as if he was trying to get the hearts of Maria and Sylvie and all the girls around.

"My name is Maria, and her name is Sylvie." Maria said for herself and Sylvie.

"Alright, here are your schedules." The guy said as he found the two's name on a paper and handed out their schedule without bothering to look at anything else.

"Thanks~" Maria said as she bowed to him before leaving with Sylvie's and her paper. Meanwhile Sylvie didn't even look at him as she left with Maria.

"I wonder if we got any of the same classes Sylvie~" Maria said as she looked at both pieces of paper to compare their schedules.

"Boo… We already have different magic teachers… You have Ms. Trista meanwhile I have Mr. Puma…" Maria said with tears in her eyes already.

"Alright…" Sylvie just muttered.

"We also have different physical teachers! What is this! You have Mr. Bergoni meanwhile I have Ms. Maurice!" Maria cried out this time as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"P-please be same knowledge teacher… Please…" Maria prayed before she looked at the last two columns.

"Y-y-you're joking…" Maria said as she dropped both pieces of paper before she collapsed onto the ground making a pool of tears.

"Oh, looks like we also have different knowledge teachers. I have Ms. Aria while you have Ms. Lindy. This is pretty unfortunate." Sylvie said as she looked at both pieces of paper before giving Maria her schedule.

"Oh well, I shall go to my first class now. See you Maria~" Sylvie said as she went to go find Ms. Trista.

"W-wait!!! Sylvie!! My cute little hugging girl! Come back!!!" Maria screamed as she raised her arm weakly in attempt to catch the white haired little girl who slowly disappeared from her view.

"Hicc… My cute little hugging girl… Why has god forsaken me…" Maria said as she looked up into the sky before finding her first period teacher.

A few minutes after both girls found their classes at the place where the two male were originally giving out peoples schedules.

"Good work there Tim, I'll go to my first period now! Don't be late to your first period alright?" The male said as he left and waved at the male who gave Maria and Sylvie their schedules.

"Alright. See you." Tim said as she smiled before waving the guy off until he disappeared.

"That little girl… She didn't even look at me… Does she even know who I am…" Tim muttered to himself as he recalled the white haired little girl behind the brown haired girl who was always holding onto her hand.

"Sylvie huh? Guess I have to show you who dominates who… Every girl here falls for me, and you will too." Tim said as his eyes filled with lust as he remembered her small and fragile body he couldn't help but think of hurting.

That's right, he was a sadistic pervert that abuses his authority. And his target, was the unknowing Sylvie who had somehow angered this pervert. She did not know that she already has a problem in this school.

This pervert is someone who thinks he's the best so he never looks at any results. He did not know the girl he was planning on hurting and was after, was the number 1 on the entrance exam list, also part of the famous Martel family.

"Hahahahaha!" He laughed a villainous laugh as he went to his first period.

"Welp, I guess this is her class?" Sylvie said as she opened the door to the classroom before entering.

"Oh? Sylvie!!! Is that you!" A familiar voice suddenly cried out from the corner of the room.

"Elise? I didn't expect us to be in the same class!" Sylvie said as she walked over to Elise as Elise walked over to her and gave her a hug. This of course attracted the eyes of everyone in the classroom.

"Is anyone else in this class aside from us?" Sylvie asked her.

"Nah, Lance has Mr. Puma. It's just us two." Elise said as she grabbed onto Sylvie's hand gently and walked over to a empty table with two seats as she placed Sylvie on one and she sat on another.

"Oh? Maria also has Mr. Puma for first period as her magic teacher." Sylvie said.

"Guess they'll be together for magic then~ I wonder how Sam is doing though." Elise said.

"Me too." Sylvie said as well.

Somewhere in a classroom.

"WHY IS NO ONE IN MY CLASS!" Sam shouted garnering everyone's attention.

"Where is Sylvie, Maria, Elise, and Lance! What are the chances of us not being in the same classes! Why!?" Sam cried out even more.



Elise : dunno


Sylvie : dunno


Lance : heck I dunno


Maria : dunno


Plutia : heck, I aint even ruling the world right now so I dunno

Sam : WHY!?!?!?!?!? SOMEONE TELL ME!

Author : cuz you deserve it
