Special Chapter (1)

"Weee! Paris let's go even faster!" Sylvie who was sitting on a big bird was enjoying the high scenery she was getting.

Suddenly, out of nowhere five different colored beams shot around her creating light pillars filling up the sky forming the shape of a pentagon.

"What the heck is going on?!" Sylvie said in a surprised voice as she told Paris to stop flying and to land on the nearest mountain.

"Sylvie! Wait up!" Maria's voice came from behind up in the air as she was also riding a big bird followed up by Elise, Lance, Sam, and Ariana.

"What are those beam of lights?" Ariana asked as she was one who was always curious and concerned.

"I don't know. Do you all have your communication orb on you?" Sylvie asked as she looked at the 4 who had landed on the mountain with her.

"Yeah, I do." Ariana, Elise, and Lance said in unison.

"What about you Sam." Sylvie asked as she looked at him.

"I um.." Sam said as she scratched his cheeks with an embarrassed look on his face.

"You've got to be kidding me Sam." Elise said as she looked at Sam with disapproval on her face.

"Hey! It's not my fault I forgot alright! I keep mistaking it for one of your jewelries!" Sam said with an excuse.

"Fine whatever, I already knew you would forget so I brought an extra anyway." Sylvie said as she took out a small communication orb and handed it to Sam.

"Ohh, thank's Sylvie. You're always prepared like always." Sam said appreciatively as he took the communication orb from her hand.

"Anyway, there is five of us, and there are five different areas to go to. If you find any trouble just use the communication orb." Sylvie said as she mounted Paris again.

"Alright!" The four of them said as they also mounted their rides before flying off to opposite sides.

"Now then, I wonder what is in store for us today." Sylvie said with anticipation in here eyes as she flew over to a pinkish redish colored beam.

"It's been ten years since I was first in the academy. Those years at the academy sucked, out here is where I truly belong." Sylvie said with a smile on her face as she tugged on Paris indicating for him to fly faster.


Somewhere in modern japan in a classroom.

"Sigh, Kai why do we always have to clean up your mess?" A high school girl on her last year before graduation wearing a pink dress said as she looked at a boy in in blue that had a big grin on his face.

"Ha ha! My bad guys, I really didn't mean to get you all involved as well." The boy in blue said as he laughed and scratched his head.

"Still, why'd you have to drag me and sister Sakura along?" A young girl in a yellow dress said with a sad tone in her voice.

"I already told you sorry. Haha, I really didn't think we'd all have to end up cleaning the classroom.

"Kai, what happens if you ruin our graduation chances by doing this? Won't you feel guilty? I worry about my little brother here who may have to be in the same grade as me if I were to not be able to graduate because of you." A male student in a green shirt said as he patted the head of another male student in a white shirt.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with being in the same class together?" The male student in a white shirt said.

"It'll be bad for me Jin. Trust me, you do not want to be in the same class as me if I were to not be able to graduate." Lin said as he looked at his little brother.

"Ha~ Rin come help me out over here." Sakura said as she looked at the young girl in a yellow dress.

"Alright sister Sakura!" Rin said as she walked over to help Sakura.

"Hmm? What's this?" Sakura said as she found a strange magic circle under a desk in the middle of the classroom.

"Look's like some delusional kid thinking magic is real again." Lin said as he adjusted his glasses onto his face again.

"Mmm. Probably." Sakura said as she touched the magic circle.

However, at the time of contact the entire classroom suddenly flashed a blue light as a big magic circle suddenly enveloped all five of them.

"What is this? What's going on!?" Sakura said in fright and confusion as she stopped touching the magic circle and looked at the ground.

"No way! Is this the so called summoning to another world? Haha! That's sick! I really can't wait!" Kai said as he laughed happily.

"This is no time for jokes Kai! What is going on!?" Sakura scolded Kai.

"Basically, we will be brought into another world that is fantasy consisting of the medieval age with many races along with magic." Kai said but the moment he finished his sentence the light of the magic circle suddenly got fiercer.

"Kya!" Rin yelped.

"Rin! Hold my hand!" Sakura shouted as she extended her hand to Rin. However, it was too late as the entire class was finally enveloped in a blue light that left everything intact except for the five students that were in the classroom.

Each individual student going into the same fantasy world, however at different destinations.

"Ugh.. Where am I?" Sakura said as she slowly opened her eyes to be met with the clear blue sky and tall trees.

"That's right… The five of us were in a classroom and I had touched a magic circle… Then suddenly we were enveloped into a blue light…" Sakura said as she started to remember what happened.

"Right! Rin! Where is everyone! This place isn't safe if what Kai said was correct! Rin doesn't know how to fight!" Sakura suddenly got up from the grass as she looked around looking for her fellow classmates.

"Ara? It's a girl? And these clothes aren't from around here are they now?" A sweet and young girl's voice came from above Sakura.

"Who's there!" Sakura shouted as she looked up to only be met with a big shadow.

"Hello there~ My name is Sylvie! Sylvie Martel! Party Leader of the Floof Floof's!" A loli with white hair suddenly appeared ontop of the big bird as she waved down at Sakura.

"Ha!?" Sakura said in confusion as she looked at Sylvie.


Author : Happi April Fools people not in the US or Canada Or Mehico and etc.


Sakura : What is this floof floof… Who came up with that name?

Sylvie : I did!

Sakura : I am not amazed…

Sylvie : Are you in awe of our name?

Sakura : No, I am in utter shock of who could come up with such a terrible name.

Sylvie : Hmph! I won't talk to you anymore!

Sakura : um.. Alright? I don't even know u anyway.
