School's Cafeteria (3)

"Oh hello, you five. Come sit down and eat with us. We don't mind at all." Ms. Aria said as she just pointed her fingers at the empty seats for the five girls to sit down at.

"Excuse us then Ms. Aria." The girls said as they sat at the five empty seats in front of Sylvie and Ms. Aria.

Expecting something to be said as the girls had wanted to sit and eat together with Ms. Aria, Sylvie just waited.

However, all that happened were the five girls eating slowly as they looked at eachother and secretly looked towards Sylvie.

'What's up with them? Why are they looking at me secretly? Are they here to harass me or something?' Sylvie thought to herself as she just laid on the table and took a nap while using her [Hawk Eye] magic spell to watch what was happening around her just in case something were to happen to her.

"U-um… Teacher Aria, I've been wondering. Who is this little girl?" The girl who looked to be the oldest and the leader of the group asked Ms. Aria.

"She is my niece. Isn't she small and cute?" Ms. Aria said as she continued to eat her breakfast that seemed to be never ending.

"Your niece? How come you never told us you had a niece? Is she attending this school as well?" The girl asked more questions.

"Well, I never had a reason to tell you I had a niece. You students never asked me anyway. And yes she is attending this school… I think." Ms. Aria said reluctantly.

'Having a niece? Not even close, I am merely babysitting her for her parents. Attending the school? All she is is sleep in class!' Ms. Aria thought to herself.

'The only part I got right was that she is small and cute. And that's the only part I like about her!' Ms. Aria thought to herself but kept it to herself.

"Are you sure she's even six years old to be attending this school Ms. Aria?" The student asked her for confirmation.

"Yes she is. Don't worry though, the smaller she is the better it is for me. I'll be able to carry her anywhere easily if she stays small forever." Ms. Aria proudly declared.

"That sounds good. I don't want her to lose her cuteness as she grows up. She should stay the same forever." The five girls agreed with Ms. Aria as they looked at Sylvie who was presumably taking a nap.

'I can hear every and all of your words. I can also see how you are acting right now. I don't want to stay small forever! How will I find a husband!' Sylvie thought to herself but continued to pretend she was taking a nap.

'Just hurry up and leave! Stop making it worse on me!' Sylvie wanted to shout at the girls.

"Anyway, what did you girls want to talk to me about?" Ms. Aria suddenly said as she finished eating and looked at the girls seriously.

"We have important information we need to tell you." The five girls suddenly said as their eyes also furrowed.

"Tell me." Ms. Aria said.


