Baroque Vs Ragestride (5)

"Father, what do you think will happen to the Ragestride's family after this?" The son asked his father.

"What else do you think Richard?" The old man asked his son back.

"When first and second elder brother come back there won't even be a single speck of the Ragestride's family left." His son said.

"That's a pretty good guess. However, we may not even need their help. As somehow healers as well as blacksmiths are not allowing their presence within their area. The old man said.

"After this what will happen to our family father?" The daughter asked her father this time.

"We shall become the number one noble family in this kingdom. There will be no one that is able to challenge us, we may even be able to rival the king. After taking over the economy of the Ragestride's family, we'll have enough to repair what we have lost after the war ends." The old man said once more.