Baroque Vs Ragestride (13)

After Jack had fainted unconscious the entire floor erupted in chaos.

"Calm down everyone! He is not dead! He is merely unconscious that's all!" The medic said as she called for help.

Two buff men came and helped the medic bring Jack into the infirmary room where they laid him on a white bed.

"Everyone calm down! What are you, some children!? The lot of you, I can't believe you. You all are in so much confusion and chaos, what kind of adventurers are you!?" Ilya shouted as placed Sylvie on the counter before covering her ears.

After shouting, all the adventurers froze in fright as they stopped shouting and rampaging around the building. They all then turned to look at Ilya who had shouted in rage.

An awkward silence had engulfed the entire first floor as the adventurers had realized what they had just done. All of them sat down silently as they reflected over their childish actions and stared at the actual child, Sylvie, who did not act like a fool when Jack had fainted.