Baroque Vs Ragestride (15)

"GAH!!!" The male adventurer wailed in agony as his body was attacked by Ilya's water magic and was sent flying into the guild's wall.

Surprisingly enough, the wall did not break, even after the power that was released. Of course, there was a reason for why it was not broken.

The entire Adventurer's Guild building was coated with magic which is constantly being supplied by MP from a magic circle that is under the building.

"You b*tch! You dare attack me like that!" The male adventurer shouted as he got up and pulled out his battle axe that was on his back and charged towards Ilya.

"You are actually an orc. I was just using that as comparison, but now I was wrong. There is nothing to compare, no wait. Even orcs know not to change directly straight towards someone who just sent them flying without a strategy." Ilya said as she just stood still without flinching as she watched the adventurer charge towards her.