Baroque Vs Ragestride (17)

"Alright, it's almost night Sylvie. You should go home now before it's too dark outside." Ilya said as she walked Sylvie out of the Adventurer's Guild.

"Un. I'll be going now than. Bye bye Ilya!" Sylvie said as she waved her goodbye before she lightly ran back home.

"Be safe! Make sure you don't go into any shady streets or anything! Make sure you always stay in public view so it's safer!" Ilya shouted from behind her as she watched Sylvie disappear.

"Yes yes, I will remember that!" Sylvie said as she continued to go home.

"Sigh, what a troublesome girl. What even made me attracted to her? Was it her cuteness? Or was it her innocence? I wonder what she will be when she grows up. Would she be the same? Or would she be the complete opposite." Ilya muttered to herself as she walked in the opposite direction towards her room in an inn.

"Hmm~ Hm hm hm~" Sylvie started to hum as she skipped along the sidewalk home.