Baroque Vs Ragestride (20)

"Sylvie, are you okay? You look worn out for some reason, also you look more depressed than when we found out Ariana was forced to leave the country." Elise asked Sylvie during magic class.

"Ugh, whenever I go out somewhere, I need to have adult supervision. Even on my way back home I need adult supervision. How am I supposed to go anywhere?" Sylvie muttered.

"How about I get my mother to supervise you wherever you go out doing anything?" Elise asked Sylvie.

"All my plans would be exposed than. Also having someone watching you 24/7 would be pretty nerve wracking to be honest. Can you mother even be there for me everytime I go out anyway?" Sylvie asked Elise.

"You're right… And she has work too, so she can't always go out whenever you go out to supervise you." Elise replied to Sylvie.

"Ha~" Sylvie sighed as she rested her head on the desk.