Sylvie Being Left Out


"Well see you Sylvie, you're probably gonna go sleep in the tree somewhere honestly. It's physical education time so, I need to improve on my combat capabilities." Elise said as she bid Sylvie farewell before she left the room.

"No need Elise! I will be going with you today! I wonder if there is anything fun during Physical Education class." Sylvie said as she followed Elise for the first time towards the outside.

"W-who are you even? Why did you possess my little Sylvie! Come out you demonic being!" Elise who did not expect to hear this immediately started to question Sylvie.

"Elise! It's still me! What are you on about!" Sylvie pouted as she did not like the way Elise was questioning her.

"But, I have to be right about you not being the same you as before! Why are you so energetic today?!? Did you drink coffee or something? Or did you eat too much candy!?" Elise said as she looked at Sylvie.