The Attack Happens!

Caw Caw Caw Caw

At this time of the night, the crows had started to make sounds.

Maria who had read many folktales knew this was a bad sign. As her family was something affiliated with the Church, she knew crows cawing at night meant a sign of ill omen, or worst, death.

"Psst, Elise, you awake?" Maria asked Elise.

"Yeah, I am awake, what's up?" Elise asked Maria as she still had her eyes closed.

"I once read a book. It said crows cawing at night means something bad. Should we continue sleeping or should we get up?" Maria asked Elise.

"What do your senses tell you?" Elise asked Maria.

"My senses are telling me, we get up and prepare for battle right this instant before it's too late," Maria said.

"Good senses because, ROLL OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!" Elise shouted at Maria as she flung out of the bed and took out her hidden dagger on her thigh before bringing it down on the massive shadow that was above Maria's bed.