Firework Show (2)

"Sylvie, I heard you were going to make something called a Firework Show?" Laura asked Sylvie.

"Un! I am going to make one! And it's going to happen in four days!" Sylvie replied happily as she sat on her mother's lap.

"Sigh, what made you do this anyway?" Laura asked her.

"Ah? I just wanted to, because it's beautiful and all!" Sylvie replied happily.

"Where did you even see this, Firework, thingy. How would you know if it's beautiful and all?" Laura asked her daughter as her head was in pain from the budget that was just used just for this 'Firework Show' she had no idea about.

"I saw it in a dream! And my dreams are always correct!" Sylvie said happily.

"Sigh, another one of your dreams. Just what in the world do you even dream about?" Laura rubbed her glabella as she muttered to herself.

"Alright then, make sure you don't make too much of a ruckus. And try not to get in trouble or danger either." Laura warned Sylvie before she placed Sylvie on the ground.