Firework Show (4)


"What was that! Everyone look up there!" People started pointing in the air above Flower Hill.

It was finally night, the time for the Firework Show to start. People from all across the world have surrounded the Flower Hill as they all stared above it, waiting to see what would happen next.



"Another one! What was that! I saw a pink flower this time!" Someone exclaimed as they looked at the remains of the firework before it dissipated.



"Another one! That was the sun wasn't it!" More people started to exclaim as they looked at the magical thing that had happened in front of them.

All of a sudden, there was a silence as no more started fireworks were launched.

"Is that it? Is that all we're going to get? Did I really waste all of my money just for this?" People started to complain as there was a five-minute silence with nothing happening.

"What do you guys think is going to happen next?" People started to anticipate for what would happen next.