New Roommate!

"Anyway, make sure you don't cause too much of a ruckus alright? The other girls are, fairly awkward I must say. They are a bit too much like nobles. There are no normal people here." The landlady said as she helped untie Sylvie before she left.

"No normal people here? Of course, which person isn't normal here? Just what kind of normal people could even past the requirements to live at this dorm?" Maria muttered as she watched the landlady leave to go somewhere.

"Ha~ Whatever let's go meet back to our dormitory. We still have until noon before we go meet up with the boys." Sylvie said as she waited for one of them to lead her towards their room.

"Let's go then," Elise said as she leads Sylvie up the stairs.

"Why is it so far? How many turns have we taken already?" Sylvie started to complain.

"Almost there Sylvie, just be patient and endure," Elise said as she took one more turn before walking down the hallway.