Have You Done Your Homework?

"Sure sure, whatever little girl. Make sure you eat it before it starts to melt. Have a nice day you eight." The vendor said as he waved them goodbye before going on to the next customer.

"Nom." Sam immediately just started taking bites out of the ice cream cone as if the coldness didn't bother him.

"Are you okay eating the ice cream like that?" Chad couldn't help but ask Sam. As his teeth already were in pain from the coldness of the ice cream.

"I am used to it. It doesn't taste that good when melted, so I had to eat it when it was cold still." Sam replied as he completely devoured his ice cream, contemplating if he wanted to get more for himself.

"How is it, Sylvie. Are you calm yet?" Maria asked Sylvie.

"Hmph." Sylvie simply looked away from Maria not even giving her a glance, as she was the one who had forced her into that scary ride. Sylvie just silently licked her ice cream while ignoring Maria.