
The entire school year had passed by then, it was finally summer for the kids to take a break and visit their family. However, there was also one more thing during the summer that many families attend. It was a tournament hosted by the academy which uses the colosseum.

The kids will fight on a one on one using any utensils for a prize. The prize is always randomized, with some money on the side. Many students enter to test out their strength, many others go there to gain some fame.

However, for a select few… Who knows what they came there for? If they were to be asked that, they would most likely reply with a few words that would leave many dumbfounded.

"For fun maybe?"

Anyone who replied with that would be looked at like a maniac, if the person looked like a fighter, they would be treated as a battle maniac. However, if it was a little cute loli who said that, what would they treat her as?