Choosing Potions

"Sylvie, why are you going all the way to the end of the store?" Chad asked her.

"To check out the potions, why else? They said the best potions are at the end, I am going there to check their quality." Sylvie said as she continued to use appraisal on every single potion that was within her vision.

'These potions are merely so-so… The one mother makes is way better. Is she a grandmaster alchemist? Just like how that dwarf is a grandmaster forger?' Sylvie thought to herself as she frowned in disappointment when she looked at the effects of the potions.

"What's wrong Sylvie? They aren't to your liking?" Maria asked her.

"My mother makes better potions but, these aren't too bad. You won't find any better potions in any other random store, probably a master level alchemist made these potions. Meanwhile, the cheap ones are made by advanced alchemists." Sylvie said.

"Oh, can your mother make us some potions?" Maria asked.