Three Days

"Bah, you kids are finally back. What do you want." The dwarf said when he saw the group enter his forgery room again.

"For our items, why else?" Sam replied.

"Bah what items, you think I can make you equipments in twenty seconds? I don't even have the material for half of this." The dwarf said as he spat at Sam.

"We told you so Sam," Lance said.

"Blah, I can lend you the materials needed for now. How about that? Do you think you can finish it by tomorrow?" Sam asked the dwarf.

"What? No, of course not, I'd need three days at the least." The dwarf said.

"That long?" Sam said with a frown on his face.

"Of course it's going to take that long Sam. Do you even know how hard it is to forge something?" Lance asked him.

"No of course not, I literally just buy everything. Why would I need to wait? I can literally just buy anything I want." Sam said like a spoiled brat.